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Revised Baseline and Revised S-Curve

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Kannan CP
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Dear All,

Kindly share your input/thoughts for the following situation.

After the baseline programme is approved.At the middle of the project a variation was issued by the Client and the Contractor issued an EOT notification for the delay in permit for some other works.

I will do the evaluation of EOT as follows;

1. Use the updated programmes just before the variation order and the permit issue respectively and check the revised completion date. In the mean time check the concurrents delays from the Contractor.

2. Based on this new completion date, will ask the Contractor to make the modification in the original baseline programme to get this revised completion date.This will be set as the revised baseline. The revised S-Curve will be taken from this schedule.

3. I do not agree with the setting of revised updated programme(with variation & permit EOT) as the revised baseline programme since it may contain delays in other paths by the contractor. So no need to set the contractor's delay as the new baseline.

4. Similarly I do not agree with the revised S-Curve from the revised updated programme, because there will be many other paths in the programme, which are in delay compared to the original baseline programme. So no need to allow the Contractor to set their delay as the new baseline.


Best Regards



Robin Clare-Talbot
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Sorry about the images in my last reply, they seem to not be sizeable...

Robin Clare-Talbot
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Hi Kannan,

I did some quick very rough curves to explain the technique I have used before..Keeping in mind if you are at the stage where there is a re-baseline process being discussed, you will be in some sort of extension of time talks, or settlement agreement talks, and one of the biggest matters of discussion in these times is acceptance of current delays. All parties will conclude open claims as to resolve them within the settlement or EOT, and have the past as past.

Again this should be outlined at project commencement how to handle and approach this, but in my experience, if you maintain the data soundly, you will not face any challenges when presenting it, as it is the true and actual accounts of the project.

So below a simple example of a project with actuals, then an EOT or settlement period, the revised early and late curves of the revision, and lastly a history showing early and late from orig baseline and revised..

If you have any more queries you can mail me for further discussion robin.claretalbot(at)emfushane(dot)com I will be glad to give you more details.




Kannan CP
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Hi Robin,

Thanks for the reply.

My concern is, if we use the updated schedule with historic events as the revised baseline, then as of data date the actual progress need to be considered as the planned progress. It will show that the contractor was on time without any delay from the beginning to the data date.

This is indirectly accepting all the delays of contractor.


Can you please load the sample chart as you specified.


Best Regards


Robin Clare-Talbot
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Nicely posed question Kannan.

I think first and foremost, you would need to see what your standard contract form says about this, as there are very conflicting views on this based on interpretation and execution of that interpretation.

I however have always done baseline changes mid project a very specific way, and you might need to prepare some options and see what suites your project management team best.

Add the change in the original baseline that has not been exposed to delay or progress, and see what the nett effect on completion or other milestones could be. Normally there will still be a small delta, however this is to be absorbed by quantified mitigation and not absorbed by an EOT or variation order.

The S-curves then you can redraw from this revised baseline program. Again, decision pending time, I have been on a few projects where the PM and client refused to accept revised baseline without historic actuals, and you then just re-draw your early and late curves from your to date actual so that you no not experience a drop in your curves from early to actual.

I hope my response makes sense, if not please reply and I will add some pictorial references..