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when the schedule become unrealistic

9 replies [Last post]
Jehad Aldaoud PMP...
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good evening to all 

at the beginning, I want to thank every one who help any one need help

I faced now in my work situation i think it is one of the situation that the schedule will be unrealistic, the situation is we are like any construction project we have problems in construction these problem will make delay in schedule so when we make update and submitted it to the owner he refused any delay in the schedule we told him we will increase our productivity to still with schedule, but based on the situation right now from make our work impossible from the owner i think schedule will be unrealistic 

i wish to put this situation on discussion 


best regards 

jihad aldaoud 


ashraf alawady
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Dear All,

the prohram become unrealistic either because the sequance of works inserted i the program were not realistic or there is a major delay from some parities and the revised program has to be prepared and submitted in order to suit the actual siuation of the project and to mitigate the possible delays.

cotractually the cliet can not refuse the updated progres report if it was submitted correctly based on the approved program. 

Tanveer Ahmad Niazi
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i am new in the forum, and i am 100% agree with you. its all most immpossible to make the clien agree on revising the finish date even the dely is caused by him.

best regards, Tanveer

Tagora Sukmana
User offline. Last seen 13 years 2 weeks ago. Offline

Hi Jiahd,

I agree with Mike, The important thing you have to do now is  analysing the delays, who cause this delay, then you can make the mitigation plan. Check the hystorical of the project compare also with the contract, hopefully you can find a reason that the delay is not only caused by your company but also influenced by client fault. Then after this you can propose a realistic schedule as a rebaseline that need client approval, but still you have to show the original plan as a target both together with the rebaseline.


Best Regards,


Tagora S

walid Lahiani
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Hi ,

we faced this problem too , our bosses didn't want to change the finish date which was in reality 99,999% impossible

Example :

Every week we do an average 5 tons of structural work ,the finish date of this task is in 2 days and we have 100 Tons to finish =>every day we have to finish  50Ton


Rafael Davila
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"the client refuse the relastic update which shows actual delays ( officially ) , and he want update realistic without any delay, we can do it but the problem is will appear in next updates, the problem is the schedule will be unrealistic"

In such case do not update his copy of the schedule and keep a working schedule with your true plans unless your plan is a vacation to Disney World. No matter what, if delayed because of you or because of the Owner, true plan is true plan.

Then try to sort out the revission of the contract finish date. Here unfortunately a baseline change after accepted becomes a de facto change in contract duration; unbelievable, but that is how it is, perhaps because of coomon law or interpretation by our courts, lawyers mentality you got to be aware.

Do not fall in the trap of submitting an unrealistic schedule, it will get you deeper into trouble.



Mike Testro
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Hi Jiahd

The crux of the matter is "Who caused the delays?"

If the contractor caused them then the Employer is correct to rtefuse a revised programme.

The contractor must create a new programme to show how he will mitigate delays but the original programme stands.

If the Employer caused the delays then there will be a procedure in the contract for establishing an Extension of Time.

You must follow this procedure to get an EoT and then revise the programme accordingly.

Mean while keep reporting on both the Original and Extended programme.

Best regards

Mike T.

Jehad Aldaoud PMP...
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the client refuse the relastic update which shows actual delays ( officially ) , and he want update realistic without any delay, we can do it but the problem is will appear in next updates, the problem is the schedule will be unrealistic 

kamesh avasarala
User offline. Last seen 4 years 15 weeks ago. Offline

Dear Jihad,

1st thing is whether what ever you planned schedule  whether your claint is apporved ? 

if so how is is approve in planning stage it self he has to promt that this schedule is not realistic not on the updated stage . and when you prapare schedule whether you have experience or your client is experianced we need to see . if this is your 1st project and client have experienced client has to check in planning stage it self and that is his mistake of not promt even if you planned more he has to promt for getting realistic schedule . and if your comapny has experianced then you have to check from all of the departments and taekn approval from all of heads involved in this project and then only release.

and if you leave all these realistc schedule can know only when we assign the quantities to the activities so that we will know how much qty we planned every month so that any body can tell taht is realistic or not just if we show dates any body will have problem of anaylsing the schedule .




Ahmed Elassal
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Dear Jihad,

               Can you clarify wheather 

1- the client refuse the relastic update which shows actual delays ( officially ) ,

2- refuse the delay and want you to mitigate .

3- or he wants you to show the increament in the productivity which you had mentioned to him?

