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Missing Row when P6 Exported to MS Project

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Leonard Esber
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Dear colleagues,

I'd exported a project from P6 R8.2 to MS Project, but the row from P6 that shows project name, total duration of project, start and projected finish date of project doesn't appears in MS Project format.

I look forward you could help me with this.  Thank you.



Leonard Esber
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Thank you very much.  But this is what happened I did...from menu bar, I clicked TOOLS then OPTIONS then VIEW tab.  Under Outline options for '(project name)' I checked the box Show project summary tasks then the uppermost row appeared.

Paul Harris
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To Options, go to the Project Options and display the Project Summary bars, or add the bar by creating a summary bar.


Paul E Harris
BSc Hons, Certified Cost Engineer, PRINCE2 Practitioner
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