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User offline. Last seen 14 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello friends. I have been reading the various threads about S curve and its usage.

Pls can soemone kindly give me a step-by-step procedure to plat the s-curve using MS sproject?

I will so much appreciate pls



Rodel Marasigan
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Follow the sample below to access on Analyze Timescaled in Excel, then click and follow the wizard.
MSP Timescale
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Thanks,Rodel. On the Timescled, i see only word and Power point options. Also i dont have Primavera. Pls can you help me get one, so maybe i export and plot there?
Mervilyne Pangan...
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Look for Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel, Choose Entire Project, Select required data and it will automatically show graph you add.

You can customize it on Excel depending on the format you prefer.

otherwise, you export your MICROSOFT PROJECT "Project" to Primavera and Primavera will generate S-Curve.

Rodel Marasigan
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You can use the earned value data exported to Excel using the Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel button on the Analysis toolbar.

Display the Task Usage view and show the Analysis toolbar. Click the Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel... button. When the wizard runs, select the earned value information (ACWP, BCWP, BCWS, CPI, SPI etc…) that you wish to export. The wizard will ask if you wish to graph the data as well.

Note: You MSP should be resource and cost loaded.
User offline. Last seen 14 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello friends, Pls i am still expecting aresponse to the steps to ploat the s curve.

many thanks