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Design Drawings Issue

4 replies [Last post]
tasnim yusoff
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I have question regarding extension of time. How to justify how many days the contarctor entittle for EOT.
Example : We have 100 days for design submission. In between we submit 3 batch of drawings. 1st batch came back and got comment from the client and need to do resubmission. After few re-submission the client approved the 1st batch drawings. How to justify if the contractor entittle for any delays cause by this process?
In between contarctor submit 2nr and 3rd batch drawings.

Thank you


Samer Zawaydeh
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Actually it depends on the comments made. So someone who is an expert should review the drawings and decide if the Contractor was at fault the 1st time, or if the Engineer is delaying the approval with small remarks.

With kind regards,

Rodel Marasigan
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Check your PPA or Contract. Clients approval time period should be define there. If their approving time is more than define then that should be address. Also check if the cause of revision is design change or quality performance of design. If client agreed on Functional Design and Design Concept, Detail design should follow for what they agreed. If they make changes that causing a revision then there is a change of Design which can be resulted to EOT.
Shah. HB
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HI Tasnim

I trust EOT for the issue you stated will be no entitlement.Since it is contractors obligation to satisfy the contractual requirement of the project,How many revision you make it doesnt matter.

There is a chance for claiming EOT if the response date from Engineer is greater than the reply days mentioned in the programme of works inline with the specification
Andrew Dick
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It could be argued that there is no entitlement. The client may insist that they are not responsible for the errors in your drawings when submitted and that your quality system had failed and sub standard drawings we issued for review. The fact that it has happend a couple of times indicates to me that there could have been issues with your quality system, or that the client was moving scope and chaging requirements.
