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Data Date Time

2 replies [Last post]
Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 14 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Dec 2005
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Hi All

I was reviweing a contractor's schedule as part of a delay analysis exercise when I noticed that the time set on the data date progress line was 08:00.

The work calendar is due to start on 07:00 so for every progress report one hour is lost on the programme.

It could have been much worse if the data date time was 12:00.

I suggest that the time on the data date is set earlier than the dominant work patter start time.

Best regards

Mike Testro


Ronald Winter
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Oracle/Primavera’s definition of a Data Date is the first moment that new work is able to start or resume.  It is not the same thing as a status date. 

In Mike’s example, he is quite correct to request that the Data Date be set to 07:00.  I believe that P6 automatically sets it to 08:00 as a default.

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 40 weeks ago. Offline

Hi Mike,


I've always worked on the basis that the data date (& time) should be set to the last point for which you have progress information.

Hence if dominant work pattern finished at 6pm on a friday, my data date for a weekly update would be 6pm on a friday

