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Primaver 6.0 Ver 7.0 New add ons?

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Francis Moyalan, ...
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Hi Friends,

Could anyone elaborate on the major additions/ functions in P6 Ver 7.0 compared to Ver 6.0/6.2.

I am planning to upgrade to Ver 7.0 and interested to know if the shortcomings like Total Free and Zero Float constraints are added in Ver 7.0.

Similarly ver6.0 is having short falls with bar chart display options , where there was no option to show progress on the bars , this could only be done using a Global Change.
Few more like,there is no progress line feature which makes life difficult to make the report presentable to the end user.

Your feedback is appreciated on this.

Thanks & Cheers


David Barnett
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Who uses all this stuff.

I have many years planing experience which started with a bit of paper and a pencil before transitioning through IBM360 and HP3600 and ending up with PowerProject and P3.

The way I do my job and present my plans will never exceed the capacity of these two packages.

I have done the P6 course and can use it but why bother.

I see P6 programmes of eight and ten thousand activities submitted for quite simple work and wonder how people keep track of all this in their head, because that is where it needs to be; not in a big database.

I reckon P6 is a bit like electronic gadgetery, it needs a new one every year or so or we would have nothing to waste our money on (and provide Cisco with profit). In the real world it's 3D plasma screens in our game it is P6.



User offline. Last seen 4 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Francis,

Its better to upgrade to v7. The shortcomings u hav asked are still not done but as u can see in the alex’s post, there are lot of setting changes which r quite useful and also most important is auto-numbering :-)

Read the installation procedure carefully before starting the installation.
(It took me almost more than 1 hour for complete installation)

U can download the updates from

All the Best
Axel Quezon
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Hi Francis,

What’s New in the Project Management module?
The following features are new or improved in P6 version 7.0.

Branding changes

Timesheets is now Progress Reporter. The Group Server, which hosted the Timesheets application, is now called the Progress Reporter server.

Contract Manager is now Contract Management.

Hours per timeperiod set per calendar

A new administrative preference on the Admin Preferences, Time Periods tab, enables the default hours per timeperiod to be defined for each calendar, rather than defined globally in Admin Preferences. The values specified for Hours per Time Period are used to convert hours to other time increments for display, and to convert all non-hourly time increments to hours for storage in the database. Defining the hours per time period per calendar results in more accurate display, conversion, and storage of data when users view or enter data in time units other than hours. See Defining default hours per time period in calendars for details.

Auto-number activity IDs when pasting activities

When copying and pasting activities, you can now specify new activity IDs for pasted activities. You can automatically increment existing IDs, specify new auto-numbering properties, or replace a specific number of characters with new characters. You can specify new activity IDs for pasted activities after you use the Copy WBS Options dialog box to copy and paste a WBS element or the Copy Activity Options dialog box to copy and paste an activity.

Renumbering activity IDs

You can now select activities within a single project in the Activity Table and renumber the selected activity IDs. You can automatically increment existing IDs, specify new auto-numbering properties, or replace a specific number of characters with new characters.

Display a progress line in the Gantt Chart

A progress line can be applied to the Gantt Chart in the Activities window. The progress line is a way to graphically trace progress on activities and to quickly see how a project is performing relative to the baseline project. See Apply a Progress Line to a Gantt Chart for details.

Add activity code values on the fly

You can now create new activity code values while assigning activity codes. See Assign activity codes and values to activities and Select Activity Code Value dialog box for details.

Display activity units and costs for remaining late dates

You can display unit and cost values in activity usage and activity profiles by both remaining early and remaining late dates. Previously, the display was limited to the display of remaining early dates at the activity level. See Project/Activity Usage Profile Options dialog box for details.

XLS import

A new global privilege, Import XLS, controls the ability to import XLS files into the module. Previously, the ability to import XLS files was controlled by a global privilege that also controlled XER and MSP import.

P6 integration with Oracle ERP and Fusion

ERP integration - A new project privilege, Allow Integration with ERP Systems, allows integration with an ERP system.

New project-level fields - To support integration with Oracle ERP systems and Fusion products, there are two new project-level fields. You can display these fields in the Projects window, Tracking window, and project reports.

The Integrated Project field indicates if the project is integrated with an Oracle ERP or Fusion project. If you are assigned the new “Allow Integration with ERP System” privilege for a project, you can integrate the P6 project with an Oracle ERP system using P6 Web Access. Refer to the P6 Web Access Help for more details.

The Last Apply Actuals Date field displays the most recent date timesheet actuals that were applied to the project. This date is used to determine if new, approved timesheet data exists when P6 data is sent to the ERP system.

Calendar used for rolled up duration and unit values

The calendar used for calculating rolled up duration and unit values can vary. Previously, the default global calendar was always used. See How data is summarized for details.

Licensing replaced by module access

The Users dialog box Licensing tab is now the Module Access tab. Use this tab to grant access to P6 modules. Within P6 Project Management, administrators use the Users dialog box to grant users access to any of the following modules of the product suite:

Project Management

Progress Reporter

Web Access Portfolios

Web Access Projects

Web Access Resources

Integration API

Web Services

User count

You can also use the Users dialog box to quickly display the number of users assigned to access each P6 module. This will be helpful in tracking how many licenses are assigned to P6 since the removal of the license file constraint. See List number of users having access to P6 modules for details.

Copy baseline

You can now select and copy a baseline to create a new baseline while retaining the selected baseline.

Progress Reporter Administrator

Progress Reporter can now be administered using the Progress Reporter Administrator. To avoid conflicts, most Progress Reporter administrative settings have been removed from the Project Management module. In Admin Preferences, the Timesheet Privileges tab and most options on the Timesheets tab have been removed.
