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Database Cleanse - Is it possible to change Baseline Global Calendars to Project Calendars

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J OBrien
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Hi All,

I'm the P6 administrator for a large portfolio of projects that I've inherited and am in the process of cleansing the database, starting with global calendars. I have numerous calendars assigned to historical and current projects (both of which can't be deleted) that all have multiple baselines assigned i.e. post weekly status updates.

For situations where there are only a smaller number of projects utilising a global calendar that I want to delete, I can create a new project calendar (based on the existing global calendar), open the relevant projects and replace the global calendar with the new project calendar and then delete the global calendar when complete. Easy in a simple situation like that.

My question is: Is there any way to replace a global calendar with a project calender where it is assigned to multiple projects and baselines without opening the projects or removing the baselines? I have been told that it is possible in the back end of the database but I can't find any information about that online and I don't know if that functionality exists in the update baseline option.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



J OBrien
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Hi David,

Thanks for your response. 


J OBrien
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Hi Rodel,

Thanks for your response. I don't have enough experience with that process you've described but I'll pass that information on to our database manager to see what they can do. Thanks

J OBrien
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Hi Rodel,

Thanks for your response. I don't have enough experience with that process you've described but I'll pass that information on to our database manager to see what they can do. Thanks

J OBrien
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Hi Rodel,

Thanks for your response. I don't have enough experience with that process you've described but I'll pass that information on to our database manager to see what they can do. Thanks

J OBrien
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Hi Rodel,

Thanks for your response. I don't have enough experience with that process you've described but I'll pass that information on to our database manager to see what they can do. Thanks

J OBrien
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Hi Rodel,

Thanks for your response. I don't have enough experience with that process you've described but I'll pass that information on to our database manager to see what they can do. Thanks

J OBrien
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Hi Rodel,

Thanks for your response. I don't have enough experience with that process you've described but I'll pass that information on to our database manager to see what they can do. Thanks

J OBrien
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Hi Rodel,

Thanks for your response. I don't have enough experience with that process you've described but I'll pass that information on to our database manager to see what they can do. Thanks

J OBrien
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Hi Rodel,

Thanks for your response. I don't have enough experience with that process you've described but I'll pass that information on to our database manager to see what they can do. Thanks

david kelly
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We do this sort of stuff quite regularly. But only by writing a Java program that uses the API, or you get into the mess that Rodel describes. Calendars are hard to play with, even through the API.
Rodel Marasigan
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The quick answer is NO.

If you can run a query from the P6 Database (SQL or Oracle) on the tables CALENDAR and TASK, using a one-to-many relationship query, filter on table CALENDAR, field CLNDR_TYPE = CA_Base. This will show the number of projects using the Global Calendar (Baseline, Project, etc.). Run a summary query on the field PROJ_ID to get the number of projects for each Global calendar that you need to create and assign to a project.

You can create a backup copy of the database and perform a manual update by:
If you possess a strong background in the P6 database, you can manually add a calendar, edit the field PROJ_ID, assign it to PROD_ID, and change the CLNDR_TYPE to CA_Project in the CALENDAR table. Afterward, replace the CLNDR_ID in the TASK table for all tasks corresponding to each PROJ_ID with the newly created CLNDR_ID in the CALENDAR table.

BEWARE - If you do not have a good knowledge of the database, your data may become corrupt, and ORACLE does not support direct edits to the P6 Database.