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P6 || Duration changes post calendar change

4 replies [Last post]
Safwan H.
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Hi all,


Apologies if this has been posted - I did try and look for a similar example. I'm trying to understand why my durations are changing when I change from a normal 5d week calendar (8hrs per day) to a 5d week calendar with non-working days throughout (<5d week calendar).

No changes of hours for each day or changes to the activities themselves. To try and illustrate the issue;

1. Activity A - 5d - on a normal calendar (commencing Monday and completing Friday)

2. Change calendar of Activity A to 5d calendar with blockout days (non-working days)

3. Result; Activity A still ends on the Friday, but duration has been reduced from 5d to 4d, while the expectation is that the duration would remain the same and Activity A would end on the following Monday

Hope that makes sense, and appreciate any assistance / explanation


Edit; I should add that there're no expected finish dates or constraints, etc.


Safwan H.
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All activities in question are Task Dependent, Fixed Duration & Units (and tested as Fixed Duration & Units/Time), Physical % Complete Type, with no contraints or levelling applied.

Any other ideas? My current work around is checking if the durations have moved with global changes into UDFs and adjusting accordingly. Though it'd be nice to understand why they're changing in the first instance.

Zoltan Palffy
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make sure that the activity type is task and not resource

Safwan H.
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Thanks Zoltan,

The duration type was set on 'Fixed Duration & Units', though when testing it as 'Fixed Druation and Unit/Time' I get a similar result.

Oddly enough, sample testing the changes under 1 WBS with 9 activities - 3 of the activities duration change whilst the others remain the same when the calendar is changed between 5d blockout vs 5d standard. The remaining 6 activities seem to have similar I'm still at a loss as to why this is occuring.

Zoltan Palffy
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what is your duration type set to  ? Use fixed duration and units/time and you will not have this problem