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Resource Dates Don't Match Activity Dates

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Alex Garcia
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We keep having the issue of resource dates randomly changing.  Not only do they not match the activity dates, after we fix them, a differnt batch crops up. 

I realize there is the check box to "drive activity dates" for a given resource assignment.  However, I don't want the resource dates to drive the activity dates, and unchecking the box isn't having the "opposite" effect of the activity dates driving the resource dates. of my team members statused an activity with the start date of 9/27/21.  However, the resource dates show an actual start of November 1.  November 1 also happens to be the planned start.  This is very aggravating as it's causing forecasting isssues, as well as integration issues with Cobra. 




Alex Garcia
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Great information....thank you!

David Kelly
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Never, ever, untick 'drive activity dates'

BUt now that you have used it, you need to get rid on the lag and duration at the resource assignment level.

simplest way to do this is to display the column in the resource assignment window, and fill down.

Did I mention never unticking 'drive activity dates@?

Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Alex,

If you removed the tick the "drive activity dates" options on resource assignment you are de-linking the relationship of Activity and Resource which causing resources date and activity date different. If your activity type is "Task dependent", resource assigned will use task calendar and ignore the resource calendar. If the activity type is "Resource dependent" then the resource is using resource calendar. If you wanted Activity and resource assigned have the same date, make sure that "drive activity dates" option is ticked or if you don't want a non-driving resouces then you have to remove/ un-ticked all "drive activity dates".

Please note P6 always applies the following rules:

- When scheduling on the forward pass, if the activity has any driving resource assignments, P6 Professional calculates the early start date of the activity as the earliest Early Start date of all driving resource assignments. Once the Early Start of the activity is calculated from the driving assignments and relationships, all nondriving resources are scheduled on or after this date using its assignment duration. The Early Finish dates of the nondriving assignments can fall earlier or later than the Early Finish of the activity.

- When scheduling on the backward pass, the Late Start date of the activity and all nondriving resources are calculated as the earliest Late Start date of all driving resource assignments. Once the Late Start date of the activity is calculated from the driving assignments and relationships, all nondriving resources are scheduled on or after this date using its assignment duration. This means the Late Finish date of the nondriving assignments can fall later than the Late Finish date of the activity to which they are assigned.

 - The finish dates of the nondriving resource assignments can fall later than the latest calculated Early Finish date of the project, which is driven by the activity dates.

- If no driving resources exist on the activity, the activity dates are used as the calculated dates for the nondriving resources.