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Manpower report

4 replies [Last post]
Ron Beechey
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Is there a method in P6 that I have missed to see by manpower count " task to fix it " takes 2 millwrights.   I can see the budgetted manhours but I was asked if I could (like in MSP) if I could indicate the number of trades people assigned to a task.   Have I just missed something.


Zoltan Palffy
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I do the same thing that Tom does

Ron Beechey
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Thanks Tom looks like that will work for what we are doing.   Already well into the project and have made a productivity adjudtment ( lowering from 1 to .5 by adjusting durations ) so I'mnot sure how that effect the labour hours but we will see.

Rafael Davila
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Tom Boyle
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There may be better ways, but I've used the "Calculate Average" option for the Usage profiles and spreadsheets - with "Base on Hours per Time Period" checked.  The corresponding unit of measure that I use is "LEM" for "labor equivalent men."

Good luck, tom