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Man-power Histogram

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sonia rose
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Hello Planners,

I want to plot Man power Histogram in P6.
For example :
Activity = "Excavation" Duration = "1 month"

To perform this activity, I will need 5 persons per day (the same 5 persons will work continuosly during the month). but when plotting the Histogram, primavera multiply 5 by 30 days. I want to have for the month, a fixed number which is 5 persons.

I appreciate your support


Raymond Au-Yeung
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Dear Sonia,

Armando answered half of your question, he pointed out the focus of problem is due to timescale. This is true. However his solution is not straight to the heart of the problem....because using 30 to divide the monthly figures in order to obtain the daily figure might not be totally accurate. What if a month is not 30 days? instead it might be 31 days or 28 days. Furthermore, if your plan uses 6 days work week, the figure should be divided by <30 days! The appropriate work-out is to set date-interval of timescales from "Year/Month" in pull-down menu VIEW to "Week/Day 1" or "Week/Day 2", this setting will enable the resources per day to display precisely according to your prescribed calendar.

Enjoy Primavering!
Raymond Au-Yeung

armando moriles
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Hi Sonia,

Hope this may help...

You are right, if your timescale is monthly, Primavera will multiply it by 30. You have to divide it by 30. In the profile settings, then graph, calculate average by dividing interval totals by 30.

sonia rose
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Thanks David
David Podmore
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Did you add you activity thus?

Add activity.
Make it to start 15 Jan and adjust duration to end 15 Mar.
Set task to Fixed Units/Time.
Add each of 5 resources.

The resources should demand the appropriate number of hours to fill the time based on 100% effort - depending on the calenders this could be about 320hours for each resource, 1600 hours for the task overall (5x320).

In Histograme view, selecting all the 5 resources will give you the correct profile.

It all depends on which order you do things... :o)

sonia rose
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I agree

I will have a fixed unit over period.

but when plotting this in primavera, it will be distributed over months.

let’s assume my activity start date is 15-Jan-09
Finish date is 15-Mar-09

I have 5 resources working continuosly in the two months (every day)

in tracking view, 5 persons will be distributed in Jan (1,42) Feb (2,33) and Mar (1,25) (The sum is 5 persons after the 2 months of work)

But I should find in Jan (5) , Feb (5) and Mar (5) without cumulating the number of worked days.

Thanks for your support

David Podmore
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Hi Sonia,

Yes there is a setting. It’s on the "General" tab on Activity Details. The Duration type for your purposes should be set to Fixed Units/Time. This will preserve the burn rate of the resource and flex the number of hours required as the duration changes, 2 months to 1 month for example.

sonia rose
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Thanks for your reply.

In fact, my example was not appropriate.

If I have 2 months to accomplish the activity I will still have the same problem .
If I set my resource to be 5 persons / 2 months then for One month I will have the half of resources 2,5 which is not my case.
I need to have fix resources 5 persons per day, the same 5 persons per month and per 2 months.
Is there any option in primavera that I’m missing to have fix resource per period.

David Podmore
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Hi Sonia,

As I understand your requirement:
You wish to resource a task lasting a nominal month (depending on calendars this could be 30days or even 20 if its a 5 day week) so lets choose a 7 day week.

Set the task to 30days long

You need to add your resource and load it to 500% if it is 5 lots of the same sort of resource or, each of the five resources if they are different/individuals at 100%.

The hours should fill out to accomodate the number of days.

Viewing the histogram for this task should then show 5 x (hours in working day) high x number of working days long.

Depending on how you have the timescale set you will get a different height per "bucket" of time - i.e. the number of hours in that "bucket".

Bit of a ramble but is that helpful?