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resource loading basic manpower!

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David Connell
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I am trying to work out how to get a basic manpower resource loading.

Basically I want a column showing manpower, i.e. number of men. This will be the number of men PER DAY, not the number of mean spread through the entire duration of the activity. However it seems regardless of how i set up a resource, P3EC v5 takes whatever number of units i type in and spreads it accross whatever duration the activity happens to be. This is useless to me.

If i type in 3 units for a 3 day activity then all I need it to do is show those same 3 guys working on that activity for 3 days. basic basic basic, and i cant find any way to do it unless i type in 9 which it then spreads over the 3 days giving me 3 per day (and it doesnt even do this very accurately). however that is useless to me because i need a print out of the programme showing the resource column and how many guys are working on that activity each day (so i want to see 3 not 9).

can this be done?


Raymond Au-Yeung
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Dear David,

You might have to check against what you have chosen for the data you want to display in the columns of your resources. The primary columns must be appeared are "Budgeted Units" and "Budgeted Units/Time". Assuming the planning unit of your plan is "Day", then when you put 3 in the column "Budgeted Units/Time" representing 3 men per day for one particular activity, the computer will compute automatically the total men at completion for that activity and display 9 which is 3 men per day multiplied by 3 days duration in the column "Budgeted Unit". And vice versa, if you put 9 in the column "Budgeted Units", you will get back 3 in the "Budgeted Units/Time" because the computer will work back for you using 9 divided by 3.

Your situation seems to be "Budgeted Units" and "Budgeted Unit/Time" confusion, you might have probably put 3 in the "Budgeted Unit" but not in "Budgeted Unit/Time".

Hope the above would clear the doubt.

Raymond Au-Yeung

Hi V Kutty,

it is called skill scheduling and Primavera does not have this functionality.

V Kutty
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I am new to the reosurce loading scene. I have a problem.

We have 5 teams each with the same level of competence in Weld testing. I have 40 welds I need to test with 15 day duration. The Welds have a calendar of their own due to weather. 

 Is there a way i can allocate say the family of resources and for Primavera to allocate the weld resource 1-5 depending on optimal availability ? If so how is this done? 




Kevin Button
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Generally you will always have to do any 2 of the following (the same as in P3 3.1):
-Units/time (work rate)
-Budget units

If you have durations set on your activities and have assigned resources, just change the Budgeted Units/Time column in the Resource Assignments screen to the figure you need. If you have 5 guys on the job you put in 500% (or just ’5’ depending on your user preferences)

You could also use the Excel Export/Import utility.



David Connell
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been fiddling with this and it looks like the only way i can do this is to set the activity duration type to fixed units/time. get a caulculator and do ** = number of units i need to enter.

then on the graph set it to calculate average and divide by number of hours (8 per day for this resource it seems)

so i have 3 day activity with 3 men so i get 3*3*8 = 72 units. on the graph this is divided by 8 so i get 3 men each day showing.

i have another activity which is 9 days and 4 men per day so 9*4*8 = 288 units. which comes out to 4 men per day on the graph.

I have to do this for 700 activities. cant see any other way of doing it. I cant believe theres no easier way to just show number of men per day. it wasnt anything like this bad in p3 3.1 as far as i remember.

i cant use the budgeted units/time column because on first activity this is 2400% and on the second it is 4000% because different durations and different number of men will produce different units/time.

this is extremely irritating, i dont feel im trying to do anything strange here.
Alex Wong
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your problem start with a wrong activity type, your activity type must be fix unit/time. Due to the fact that this activity type will always remain the same level of resource loading (UPT) by changing the duration or unit, so try to use fix duration activity type.


Kevin Button
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Use the Resource Assignment view and insert a Budgeted Units/Time column. You can set your user preferences to show 300% (3 people) in this column. This will always show the average loading for the resource assignment. The reason you can’t show people (or hours) per day in a column is because an activity might have a resource curve assigned, so the totals for one day might be different to the next.

To show people per day on a graph (Resource or Activity), open the Profile Options for that graph, select the ’Graph’ tab and then tick the ’Calculate Average’ box and insert the number of hours per day each person will work.


David Connell
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nope that doesnt solve the problem, thats just standard way to add a resource

if i add 3 men to that activity, it still spreads those 3 men over the duration instead of taking it as 3 men EACH DAY, so the graph doesnt show 3 men per day, if the activity is 3 days long then it shows 1 man per day.

This is just stupid, im not trying to do anything unusual, all I want to be able to do is show a column on the programme with how many men PER DAY are going to work on that activity, and then show the resource profile which again shows how many men PER DAY (and so giving me a total number of men per day for the entire project if I wanted it).
Rajesh Khanna Sake
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Dear David,

in P3eC V5.0 - i think this can be done like this

Define a Resource say "X" - Define "Resource Type" - Labour
mention the required number in "Default units / Time" column.
Now assign this resource to the required activity
select "Resource Usage Spread Sheet" view ...

I think this will solve ur purpose .. if i have rightly understood your question
