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Remaining Units Update Automatically

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Emma Lang
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I've imported a new project and I have started to update the progress. I've had a few problems:

1. When I update the actual units on an activity the actuals are added on to the at completion instead of taken away from at completion units. In other projects the at completion remains the same and the remaining units is updated automatically. I have the project setting to 'Subtract Actual from At Completion' but it doesn't seem to make any difference. 

2. When I update an activity as started, with 50% complete and schedule the project, the activity is brought back to the data date rather than starting on the planned start date. Is there a setting for this? I have checked user preferences etc and can't seem to find anyway to change this 

The new project does not update the same way as other projects. Not sure if it's to do with the import or the settings. 

Any help would be appreciated. 




Steven Auld
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Once you have completed your update, the Data Date should be moved to show when the project has been updated to.

This then moves any incompleted activities based on a remaining early start from the Data Date.

You should not be updating Actual Values in the future & the data date should reflect the current status date, so all actual's should be behind the data date once your updates have been completed.

The activity start date may have shown in the future after scheduling, however if it was Resourced, the Actual Units would have been calculated as on the Data Date (seems to be how Primavera calculates this).

Actual Dates should be updated to show the correct Actual Start / Finish times.

Data Date should then be updated to show when the project has been statused up to.



Anoon Iimos
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Oh, well of course, the first time you run your schedule, all activities are beyond or at the right of the data date (for sure if all logically linked). Otherwise, they will just all fall in line with your data date. Meaning, all of these dates are "Planned Dates" right at the very first time. "Actual Dates" shall nail the tasks in place. Or perhaps constraints may nail the tasks as well, but not necessarily all the time, depending on the type of constraints being used. In your case, one thing is sure: There must be something wrong. Well, that's what you need to find out.
Emma Lang
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Yes I understand the definition of the data date. It's just in other projects I have managed to update an activity in the future (with a start date beyond the data date) and when the project has been scheduled the activity remains in the future (beyond the data date). 

Just wondering if there was a setting I may have inadvertently changed.

Anoon Iimos
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Emma, you got my mom's name. I would suggest that you check what is the definition of "Data Date". Anyway, Zoltan is correct here :-) PEACE!
Emma Lang
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This might be a daft question but does the actual start date have to be before the data date. I'm sure I have updated activities previously where the actual start date is after the data date and it hasn't brought the activity forward to meet the data date.

Zoltan Palffy
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1. go to the projects directory make sure that your project is highlighted click on the calculations tab on the right under resource assignments make sure that under When updating Actual Units or Cost that Subtract Actual from At Completion is checked.

2. to update an activity as started you go to the status tab then in the middel section under Ststus you 1st check the box next to the word started then you click in the date date box on the three small dots and pick the actual start date. Then you can put in the % complete.

1st you have to show that it started

2nd you show the date that it started 

3rd you how how much progress

This is the natural progression of how it actually happens it cant be 50% before it ever started.

if the activity has finished check the Finished box and then assign the actual finish date no need for % it will automatically make it 100%