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Get Remaining costs updated after actuals updated

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Yann Boquillon
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Hello everyone,

this is my first post on this forum but I've been coming here for years when I was looking for some answers. I've been using the search tool but as I couldn't find anything I thought I would ask your opinion.

Normally when I create an activity I assign a resource and a Budgeted cost. Every monthly updates I would update actual costs and the remaining costs would be calculated accordingly (Remaining = Budget - Actuals).

However if I ever modify the Remaining costs (deconnecting it from Budget costs), or on some specific activities it seems that when I update actuals the remaining costs will stay fixed as if carved in stone.

Is there a setting that affects the way Remaining costs are calculated per activity? (I know this is not a project settings as I have other activities calculating Remaining costs the "usual" way in the same project)


Thanks in advance.


Zoltan Palffy
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if you are tracking actuals precisely to match SAP accounting values why would'nt you just import these values ?

Yann Boquillon
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Hi Zoltan,

thank you for your reply.

I am not tracking units in my schedule (I have deactivated "Calculate costs from units" option just in case). I update the actual costs manually (using Financial period costs) and I would like the remaining costs do go down when I input actuals.

"Also in the projects directory under the calculations tab make sure that Recalculate actual units and costs whine duration % complete change" : thank you but I am tracking my actuals precisely to match SAP accounting values so I wouldn't want that :-)
Zoltan Palffy
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if you are tracking both manhours (budgeted labor units) costs (budgeted labor costs) then the actual units will update automatically but the actual costs you will have to do this manually. 

If you are not tracking manhours then use the budgeted labor units to track your costs and make sure that in the resource directory for the resource that you are using that Auto Compute Actuals is checked.  

Make sure that you use duration % complete

Also in the projects directory under the calculations tab make sure that Recalculate actual units and costs whine duration % complete change