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Resource Spreadsheet

26 replies [Last post]
Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 4 days 5 hours ago. Offline

Hello Everyone,


Can we get a Resource Table from Primavera like the Spreadsheet we have in Excel (Below)








Stee Fixer2332  





Steven Auld
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Glad I could help.


Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 4 days 5 hours ago. Offline

Thanks Steve

Got It. Now it Works Properly. 



Steven Auld
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On the Group & Sort of the Report, it should have 2 levels on it.

Level 1 = User Defined Field created earlier

Level 2 = Resource ID Name

Looks like you have the report Group & Sort only by the new UDF Field.


Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 4 days 5 hours ago. Offline

Hi Steven,

Thanks a Lot. That is some work and you would have put lot of effort into that. Here is the Snapshot of what I got after applying that. The Total mandays are OK and the Concrete is also OK. But could see the detail of the "Manday Resource".



Steven Auld
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Just had a look & it does not seem to be that straight forward (you would have thought it would be a simple option).

In order to create something like what you are after I did the following:

Select Enterprise: User Defined Fields,

On the Drop Down List Select "Activity Resource Assignments"

Select Add & Enter a name you want to use to show the Unit Type - Make the Data Type = "Text"

Close the User Defined Field box then Select Tools: Global Change

Create a new Global Change - In the form that opens select the following:

Under "Select Subject Area" - Select "Activity Resource Assignments"

Enter a name for the Global Change

In the top box beside "Where", Select the following options:

Parameter: "Resource Type"

is: "Equals"

Value: "Material"

In the Middle section of the form enter the following options:

Parameter: Select the User Defined Field created in the step above

is: "="

Parameter/Value: Unit of Measure

Select the Third (Bottom) Section of the Report then press "Add",

Select the same Parameter for the UDF Field Created previously (Same as Middle Option)

Parameter/Value select: {Custom} 

Reselect this box then enter an option that you want all Manpower Resources to be grouped under e.g. Man Hours / Man Days 

Press OK

Select the Global Change you just created & Press: Apply Change

This will show you the values being applied - "Commit Changes" then Close the Global Change Option

Go to the report that you created earlier, you can either modify this report or copy the report & modify the new report (Using Report Wizard)

The First option screen should have the Modify Wizard Report - Select Next

On the next screen, Select Group & Sort

In this screen, Group By the folowing:

The User Defined Field Created earlier (That was populated with the Global Change)

Resource ID Name

Keep the Show Summaries Only option selected as before & Click OK

Click Next until you get to the Run Report Option & Test Run the report

Hopefully this gives you something like you are after.

Why this can't be a simple option within the reports I will never know.

Hopefully I have just not found the simple option & someone else on here can point it out, however the above should work for you.

A bit of a pain first time to set up, but should be easy to use after that.

Hope this helps


Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 4 days 5 hours ago. Offline

Hi Steven,

One more doubt like If I have allocated Resource both Manpower and Material the report doesnt show the "Total". I do know that this is because of the Unit of Measurement as Manpower is in Mandays and The MAterial is in the corresponding Unit.

Any way in getting a separate report for Manpower, Equipment and Material ( In MAterial there would be different unit like Cu M , Meter, Sq M, No, Feet etc..)


Would it be possible get a Material report Like,



Pipe Meter 1808001000
CableMeter  400890
TilesNo  9001000




Steven Auld
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Whilst I understand & respect that some people are passionate about the software THEY use, I am not sure how this relates to the original question.

I appreciate that there may be tools out there that may do things better/ differently for a given task, the original question related to Primavera.

I am very interested to learn about other planning tools & methods, which is why I read these forums, but in my case I have to use Primavera, so pointing out it’s deficiencies in relation to another software does not help, as there is little point me spending thousands of dollars for a software package that I could not use in my place of work.

I cannot speak for Jithin, but perhaps this change in topic would be better placed in a separate post for individuals to find it more easily in a search.

I don’t mean to cause any offence & I know that I am relatively new to posting on this forum, however I have been reading it for a while & sometimes struggled to see how posts were related to the original topic / question.

Primavera is by no means perfect & I regularly get frustrated with some of its limitations, but not everyone has the option over which software they can use.


Hi Johannes, please specify what exactly is not clear.

I will repeat the task with slightly different conditions.

The project consists of only one activity that consumes 25000 pieces of bricks and has 10 days duration.

Bricks are supplied following way: 10000 bricks on the 1st day, 2000 bricks on the 6th day, 3000 bricks on the 11th day, and 10000 bricks on 16th day

Work day lasts 10 hours, work week is 7 days.

Please model this in P6 and let us know about the settings used for bricks leveling and the resulting activity schedule.

I siggested to avoid activity splits because it leads to resource idle time (start - stop, etc.). Remember that our project consists of only one activity and the work shall be scheduled not by the foreman but by P6. It makes sense to assign the crew for continuous work.



Johannes Vandenberg
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Hi Vladimir

Your specification for the test is unclear. Can you draft a clear SOW? Your comment on not splitting of activities is unrealistic and should not be considered. At the daily work on the shopfloor routine, when optimizing resources, the foreman will split activities and seek for opportunities to avoid idle time.



Rafael Davila
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Steven Auld
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Unfortunately I have not been able to find a setting to this from the reporting tool.

What I usually do is pull this report into excel then divide by the calendar hours.

It would be nice to have this available witihn the reports, but I have not been able to find this option so far!

With respect to Vladimir's comment below, change the reporting period to day's to see if there are any resource issues - same issue with regards converting to personnel on site & having to divide by calendar values.


Hi Jithin,

Yes, nobody likes to have idle people and machines in their projects.

But network logic shall be followed and it is not rare when the next tasks for certain trades are not available. Usually in this case we use free people and machines for doing some supportive works or in other projects.

Resource leveling helps to optimize resource quantities required for finishing on time but still resource requirements are not the same at any moment and using average figures may lead to problems. Like quantities planned resource hours also change from one day to another and from one week to another.

Best Reards,


Raymund de Laza
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Johannes presented as you require. Thouh the Summary is missing it can be shown just above the Data.



Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 4 days 5 hours ago. Offline

Hi Steven,

Ya it Works properly now as you and David said, and regarding my second point I got it. The report shows "Start date of the Week" which is why I was consused as I was looking for the end date of the week.


So the table from the report shows total Mandays in that Week.


Is there any posiblity that the table can show " Total Mandays / No of Work days as per calendar " which would show us how many personnel of that resoursce is needed in that week. Example - The total mandays for Mason for the Week = 30, Calendar - 5 Work Days / Week, So 30/5 = 6 Mason needed in that week. Is there any chance to show that ?


Hi Vladimir,

It was just an example and even if the resource it shows 2.7 for 7 days we would hire 3 for 7 days as we wont get .7 of a person. So you would hire 3 for a Project. We wouldnt like our manpower to be idle so would alot him the next task.




Steven Auld
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Jithin, As per my previous post & as David says: Group By: Resource ID Name - Indent not selected - To Level: All Tick the following options: Show Summaries Only, Hide if Empty, Show: Name / Description Not in front of the computer at the moment so will have a look at the other comments tomorrow. Steven


19 mandays may mean that 4 carpenters were planned to work only for 4.75 days and be idle for 2.25 days. Your assumption that you will need 2.7 carpenters to do the planned activities is questionable. By the way what is 0.7 of the carpenter?


Johannes, we shall not have opinions about P6 material leveling capabilities, we can check our statements and come to some conclusion.

Let's suppose that bricks are supplied at the work day start. Daily amount is 10 000 pieces, work day duration is 10 hours.

Let's suppose that project consists of only one activity with 2 days duration that requires 2500 brick. Activity splitting is not permitted.

Try to model this project in P6 and let us know what schedule was created by P6: when project activity starts and finishes, what settings do you use for material leveling.



David Kelly
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When you are specifying the report, in the "Group and Sort" section you need to tick "Show summaries only", and make sure "indent" is unticked......

Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 4 days 5 hours ago. Offline

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for all your inputs and Steven it almost worked. Here is the screen shot of the table that came in after running the report as per your instruction,

Manpower and Equipment Schedule - R1            
Resource ID Name             
Resource IDResource NameResource ID Name'Remaining Units
22-Oct-17 - 06-Jan-18'
       R-1CivilR-1.Civil 1.04.0         
       R-1CivilR-1.Civil       3.03.0   
       R-1CivilR-1.Civil       2.0    
       R-1CivilR-1.Civil   19.07.0       
       R-1CivilR-1.Civil  4.0         
       R-2PipingR-2.Piping          3.02.0
       R-4MechanicalR-4.Mechanical        5.0   
    SubtotalR-4.Mechanical        5.0    
    Crane - 25 T              
       CR1Crane - 25 TCR1.Crane - 25 T 
    SubtotalCR1.Crane - 25 T  
    Crane - 100 T              
       CR2Crane - 100 TCR2.Crane - 100 T        2.0   
    SubtotalCR2.Crane - 100 T       2.0    
       EXExcavatorEX.Excavator 0.00.0         
    SubtotalEX.Excavator 0.00.0          
 Subtotal  0.00  


This is just a sample schedule to learn so please dont consider it as an actual project schedule.

Steven, could you please clear few issues in the report,

  • The same resource Civil "Resourse ID : R-1" is shown again and again which is the number of time the same resource is allocated to different activity. I would just like to see the Subtotal of the Resource.
  • If you see the Subtotal say for example Resource Ciivl "Resource ID: R-1" Week 29-Oct-17 = which should be 8 is shown in Week 22-Oct-17. Why is that ? Any chance in rectifying that.

The table shows the number of mandays used in that week but is their a way to show like " Number of Mandays / Number of Working days in that Week = Which will give us like how many personnel of that trade is needed in that week say for example Civil: 19 Mdays / 7 Days = 2.7 Person / Week.

The table in my first post shows that we need 4 Carpented for that week i.e. each day 4 carpented = 4 X 7 = 28 Manday.




Johannes Vandenberg
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Hi Vladimir

We have exchanged views on the leveling of material resources on several occasions. It appears that we differ from opinion and in this world, this is okay.



Primavera does not level materials.

Besides, the question was about labor resources and I understood the table as the report on resource quantities required each week. Primavera plans and reports resource hours but not quantities and it is not the same.

Johannes Vandenberg
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Hi Jithin

Primavera does not plan and report resource quantities - only hours.

This statement is not correct!

Primavera uses the unit of measure for Labour H and for materials units of measure you can define the different units in the “unit of measure” tab under Admin categories. Primavera can schedule, assign resources and level these materials resources. These are the ones I use

Unit Abbreviation Unit Name

m             Meter

M2          Square meter

M3          Cubic meter

No           Number

Kg            Kilogram

Kgm3      Kilogram per square meter

Min (time)             Minute

H           Hour

D             Day

T              Metric ton

L              Liter

Bag          Bags

This what it looks like in the “resource assignment” Tab

Resource ID Name
















Bricks new. Bricks new








Cement. Bags cement
















Regards Johannes

Primavera does not plan and report resource quantities - only hours.

Zoltan Palffy
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it most certainly does

Steven Auld
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You can use Reports to generate this list.

Go to Reports, then create new report.

Tick the checkbox for Time Distributed Data,

Select "Activity Resource and Role Assignments",

Select Next

Select the button for Columns,

From the General Options I have selected:

Resource ID,

Resource ID Name,

Resource Name,

Select OK on Column Selection

Select Group and Sort

Group By: Resource ID Name - Indent not selected - To Level: All

Tick the following options:

Show Summaries Only, Hide if Empty, Show: Name / Description

Select OK

Select Next

Select Timescale

You can define a specific Timescale to report on here, or leave as Timescale Start = PS & Timescale Finish = PF

(PS = Project Start,

PF = Project Finish

CD = Current Date

DD = Data Date

You can also use addition or subtraction from these dates i.e. CD+8W is 8 Weeks from today)

Select the Date Interval - In your example you would select Week - but other options available,

Date Format = Calendar

Select OK

In the Time Interval Fields you can select what you would like to see in the report i.e. Remaining Units / Budgeted Units / Cumulative Units etc - there are a number of options available from here. If you want to see just the hours in that week, use the Time Interval Units options, If you want to see the totals over time use the cumulative values - Multiples can be added if required so you can have both if you wanted.

Date Options - Select Show Time Intervals & Optionally select Show Period Total 

Select Next

Give the report a name then press next

On the next screen press Run Report - If you are looking at performing calculations then do not select the Format Numbers Option before running the report

If you want to open the report in excel, select ASCII Text File: Field Delimiter = , Text Qualifier = '

Output file = press the ... box on the screen to select the save location for the file - make sure that the file extension is .csv

click OK - if View file when done was selected previously then the file should open in excel, if not selected, go to the folder location that you selected to save it into & you should be able to open in excel from there.

After running the report to test it, click Next & you will then get the option to save it so that you can run this whenever you line from the Reports screen.

If you have provided specific dates for the Start & Finish, if you run this report later on a different project you would need to modify the dates first. If using PS & PF then it should run regardless.

Hope that helps.


Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 4 days 5 hours ago. Offline

Hi Zoltan,

But that doesnt give a table like the oen shown above. It shows resource activity by activity and total of that resource. and then comes the next resource so on..

Is there any other option by which I can get a table like the one shown aboeve which shows duation and all the resource name and the number of the same resource in that perticular period. It doesnt specify resource/ activity.

The management would need a resource table like the one I have put above. 



Zoltan Palffy
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view show on bottom resource usage spreadsheet