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Updating Problem

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Yahya Aderemi
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Dear all, I want to be updating percentage comple so I rename the "Performance %Complete Colum" as , but when I try to enter a value, it only display 6%, no matter the value it will display 6%.

Please help solve this problem



Zoltan Palffy
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renamainig a column doe snot effect the functionality of that field

try using duration % comeplete and update that 

also what is the duration TYPE set to  ?

and what is the activity type set to ?

Yahya Aderemi
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@Ahmed Aziz, thanks for your reponse.

What you stated is exactly what I did but my problem is anytime I input a value for %complete in the colum, it only dislay 6% alone. e.g, if I type 50% complete for activity, the colum will display 6%. If I enter 20%, it will still display 6%. I don't know why

Zoltan Palffy
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this is not the proper way to update a schedule

if you are going to use performance % complete then you need to change the % complete type physical

and you need to indicate an actual start date for the activity and then the performance % complete

if the activity is complete you need to indicate the actual finish date  

Ahmed Aziz
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Dear yahya,

if you want to update the percantage complete, you need to know the % complete type for each activity and update accordingly.

here is a better method: show the activity % complete column and update it