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Facing problems with comparing between baseline and Updated one

6 replies [Last post]
Hossam Eweda
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Dear All,

I need your help 


1> when i assigned baseline with the updated Sch. i found the percent on (performance % complete) column changed

from 41.06 % to 40.92

2> How i could compare between base line and the updated 

when i showed (planned value, actual value, remainig value, budget value) not right values like example 

remaning value + actual value        Not equal     Budget total cost

and planned or Scheduled vlue -  Actual value       Not equal   variance value 

3> and why actual cost column give me value equal zero although    performance % complete equal 41.06% 


thank you for help


Hossam Eweda
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Dear All 

I found the respone 

You need to use (Apply actual ) from tools after every update to calculate the actual cost from your updated percents

but notice that step no undo for it you cant come back with data date, for that you need to make export first for your project. 

Hossam Eweda
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Dear i am realy grateful for your interest

 i am already checked that box for item i know it has a problem for calculating 

and i am sure that all items already marked as auto copmute 

and i made Recalculate the assignment cost"   from tools 

but it still not working

Hossam Eweda
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i found PF = .88    not equal (1) i think it ought to be (1) 

to give me the right equation 

budget - remaning = actual 

but when i changed it no new action and no change on the value of remaning still same number 


Still the main Problem with me that Actual cost for some items not calculating atuomaticaly.

AB Timo
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If you have not checked auto-compute actual box,then cost will not be filled according to % Complete.

you need to enter actual cost in actual cost column or if you want primavera to compute based on % complete then you need to check auto-compute actual then Run "Recalculate the assignment cost"

May be it will solve the problem

Hossam Eweda
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Dear AB Timo

Thank you for trying but i tried that it not working

Still Actual cost zero for all items

still remaning plus actual not equal budget

about changing performance % from 41.06 to 40.92 after assiging baseline it solved when i assign baseline just on the project baseline not in primary one

but i still facing the 1st problem


AB Timo
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