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Facing Problem with Early dates logic

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Krishna Kumar
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Hi Friends,

                While updating P6 schedule, i'm trying to enter actuals on finish date upon 100% completion of the activity, but i can't able to update actual date rather which the system responding like "Remain Finish date cannot be earlier than Remain Start date". How to change the Early dates logically? And the predecessor & Successor of this activity has been completed 100% already.

Kindly suggest me to resolve this & explain about how to rectify this logically. 


Thanks in advance.





Erik Lange
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For future reference, I was just having a similar issue with not being able to enter an actual finish for an activity. Every time I clicked the check box, it would push out the end date of the activity further without a check appearing in the box. Check and make sure you aren't scheduling the project with resource leveling option being checked. As soon as I unclicked the box the issue seemed to go away.

Rafael Davila
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I believe aqll P6 users shall get a copy of Ron Winter article on P6 dates.

Look at Article 3.5 this might provide you with some insight into this issue. Sorry I cannot be of further help as I am not a regular P6 user and there are no such issues within my software.

Your statement about successors been completed makes me believe there is the possibility of out-of-sequence events. It is good practice to solve all out-of-sequence events, even those in the past, otherwise you will not get an unobstructed view of your logic paths. In order to see out-of-sequence events you must first create them in your updates, so after every update look for these and correct your logic. Just filter for these and make your corrections, if done regularly out-of-sequence logic will be under control.

Andy Power
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Also check the lag and remaining lag in the relationships window, this may be pushing the remaining finish date out.


Gary Whitehead
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Try enetering the actual start date first, and then the actual finish date afterwards.