I have used P3 forever (20 years), just switching to P6...at least the cost part...
Why can't I just simply add a budgeted Total Cost to an existing schedule? This schedule was made by somebody else...somehow the cost appear when you add resource units, but I can add the same units for the same resource and the Budgeted Total Costs are different? I would like to just add the costs, if it were just dollar per unit that would be fine but for some reason they are using $10/unit?
While I'm asking here are 4 quick things I haven't figured out since switching full time:
The filter (& maybe layout) stays the same when I switch projects - I want the one that I used last in that project...
The calendar names in this project are sometimes different than what I can choose...that is crazy...I don't see how somebody can give you a project but you cannot match their calendar names...
I miss P3, so far I have found no advantages...except that it will run on a 64 bit machine...