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Host, Key, Alias, what? Can't even get started using Primavera 6!

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Edwin Amirsaleh
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So I've been taking a construction project scheduling with Primavera 6 class, and so far all my practice has been in class. Our teacher told us that we would be able to download Primavera 6 for free and you can keep and use it for free (Oracle's fee is for support), and that it comes with some already made projects when you download it so there's some content to play with. Well, I downloaded it, and... I'm not sure what I've done. I went to as our teacher said and I downloaded Primavera P6 version 18 DLP. For some reason I got 3 zip files. After running every setup.exe or whatever, I've ended up with the P6 database configuration tool, the P6 database visualizer, and Primavera 6.


I can't even get started working on Primavera 6 because I don't understand all this stuff about databases. Host, key, alias, what is all this? I'm used to programs that just use one file per project (word, excel, etc.) We've done it in class, but the teacher is there and we're just rote doing what he tells us so it's easier there. If I have the sample data they give you, I have no idea where it is. I have a bunch of .sql files, some .bat, some .xml and there are no decent readme's or setup text files.


For whatever reason this version of primavera 6 is asking me to login with a password. Not the password for the database, but actually log in. I tried entering my user information I signed up with Oracle, but that didn't work.


Can someone explain the oracle database system? Or point me to maybe a more antiquated version of P6 that might be easier to get to start using?


Zoltan Palffy
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Santosh is correct it is not free

Santosh Bhat
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Your teacher is actually telling you the wrong information. Oracle P6 is not "free". You may download and trial it but then need to purchase the license, and pay for maintenance if you want the support. Its actually part of the terms that you agree to when you download the software.

Most version of P6 require connecting the P6 client (also called P6 Professional) to a database. The newer versions of P6 make this easy by having a single SQLite file as the database rather than needing SQl or Oracle Databases. So go for a connection to an SQLLite file/db.

There's a few videos on Youtube you can search, its a bit disappointing that not many of them actually say that you need a license to use P6.