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Claim on Decrease in Scope and non validity on Completion Date

4 replies [Last post]
Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 3 days 20 hours ago. Offline

Hello Eveyone, 

Just a doubt and the situation is a little bit different. "Mike" Probably you might know if its a valid point to ask for Claim. The situation is (Example)..

In the original Scope from Client - 4 Wells will be drilled and given. You have to do the Pipeline work from the 4 wells to the Tank where the Oil would be Stored and the completion date as per the Contract for this work is 30th April 17.

Actual Scenario - The Client was not able to drill the 4 well but was able to complete on 3 well. So the Client is asking to do the Pipeileline from the 3 wells to the Tank for now. 

The Question,

From the above scenario is the Completion date of the Contract of 30th April still valid or we can ask for an Extension of Time.

When I look at it, I feel that it is Valid as 3 or 4 well you can still send the Oil to the Tank. So the scope has reduced. So isnt the 30th April date as per the Contract still valid.




Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Dec 2005
Posts: 4418

Hi Jithin

There may be many more delay events that are involved - only you will know if there are any.

Gary and I have given you two possible examples to look for - you have to find them.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 3 days 20 hours ago. Offline

Ok Mike and Gary,


So Only if the scope is increased or as You have said if the instruction to reduce was given late and then their is a change in design which will delay the construction then this case is applicable for EOT.




Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Dec 2005
Posts: 4418

Hi Jithin

One thing is certain and that is the completion date cannot be reducedd.

There may be scope for an EoT if the instruction to switch from 4 to 3 pipelines was issued late.

You may have scope for a rate increase if the cost of fixed price equipment is not covered on 3 pipelines when it was deployed for 4. This would be applicable for both onshore and offshore pipes.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline


Possibly if the change from 4 weels to 3 required some redesign of the pipework which delayed construction there might be a case for EOT.


But other than that, I can't see a valid claim.