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Creating Formulas in Asta

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Annette McElligott
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Does anyone have any experience creating and applying formulas in Asta Ver 11?

Specifically I am looking for information on how to create a formula that will search for a specific word within the notes of a task and then apply a traffic light system based on the number of times the word appears.

Thanks in advance for any help.



Daniel Townsend
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This formula will look for a specific word (issue in this example) and give you a high priority traffic light.


Dont know how you'd count the number of times a word appears



A traffic light indicator to highlight any tasks whose notes contain the word issue.



Andrew Willard
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Dear Annette,

Thank you for posting your question about the Formula’s.

I have read Mike Testro’s response to you and he is correct. Unfortunately you can not create the type of formula you want within Powerproject at the moment.

We will add this to our wishlist.


Andrew Willard
Mike Testro
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Hi Annette

The columns in Powerproject work exactly as a spreadsheet.

So if the formula works in excell then it can be re created in PowerProject.

=Find(text,cell,position) will show you where the word appears in the string but I know of no formula that will count the number of times it appears in the cell.

If you have a full support licence I suggest you contact the Asta help desk by email and they will give you a quick response.

Best regards

Mike Testro