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Move part completed links - a blooper or magic?

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Rafael Davila
User offline. Last seen 2 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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It seems to me that Powerproject option for Reschedule/Options/Options Box – "Move part completed links" is similar to Retained Logic option in Primavera P3/P3E/P4/P5/P6/SureTrak but with the attempt to solve out-of-sequence by moving the links while Primavera products and MS Project splits the activities/tasks.

The out-of-sequence event under this Powerproject option does not show on the reports and you are left in darkness hoping the attempt gave you the correct answer.

I am not against other options, P6 provides a third option in addition to what P3 and SureTrak provides, I believe Primavera is right in keeping the warning. Does Powerprojec did what Primavera or Microsoft could not do and therefore there is no need for a warning? Is this a blooper or magic? The report should be called "Partial Warning on out-of-sequence", not to mislead you into believeng it did not happened and the solution is always correct.

Maybe the warning is somewhere else. As I have been using the software demo for a couple of days I would like to hear from those knowledgeable of the software.

Best regards,


Rafael Davila
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I am looking for the very basic PERT view where you communicate logic in a graphic way instead of prose. This is a functionality all software does have. Microplanner had both, activity on arrow (CPM) and activity on node (PDM ) diagrams, even better.

I am having some issues with the updating by percentage as this method I never use, I use remaining duration. What happens to your remaining duration as an activity is updated over several updating periods but with no change in % complete? What is the formula?

A feature to link around complete and / or part completed tasks sounds interesting. The problem is I do not have the manual to help me out figure out these functions and help is not there as in other software where at every screen or dialog box you have a help button that goes directly to where you are, not much of a help. You cannot even click on help without closing the dialog boxes, this is bad, no excuse, not a single bookmark.

I want to call to the attention that Asta Support is unparallel; they answer my questions even for a trial and even follow up. My criticism is in the hope registered users ask for improvements and Powerproject becomes even better.

Best regards,
Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Hi Rafael

Powerproject has a feature to link around complete and / or part completed tasks.

So even if you have a lead lag link where progress goes beyong the link the logic will re link itself after re-schedule.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Rafael Davila
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Another way to look for out-of-sequence is through the PERT view and Trace Logic Views available in most CPM software. You would see crossed out boxes for finished activities and visually can very easy pinpoint out-of-sequence.

Where Powerproject does provides for this very basic functionality?

Best regards,
Rafael Davila
User offline. Last seen 2 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Thanks Mike.

If I were into house building I would give you 10ea P3 licenses for a single Powerproject license, here it shines.

Best regards,
Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Hi Rafael

I am only a simple delay analyst who uses about 20% of PowerProject facilities so your query:

"I still want your answer about whether omitting from the out-of-sequence report these activities is a good idea."

Leaves me quaking in my boots - I honestly have no idea.

I will get in touch with the CEO of Asta to see if he can make direct contact with you.

You could be of real mutual help to each other.

Best regards

Mike Testro.
Rafael Davila
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Yes lead and lags is precisely where you will find most of your out-of-sequence. With bottom-up you do not have lags so it will happen elsewhere unless you are fooling the system by setting 100% complete to some of your bottom-up activities you assigned an “arbitrary duration” as arbitrary as lag. Even with only FS relationships and no lag you might get into out-of-sequence, just a change in course, “sh..t” happens.

Bottom-up after the fact, isn’t it what Powerproject pretend to do as if the answer for all out-of-sequence issues? Primavera and Microsoft guys missed it; guess you will call them rubbish.

I still want your answer about whether omitting from the out-of-sequence report these activities is a good idea.

Best regards,
Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Hi Rafael

I use this facility when adding progress to charts that have lead lag links.

It is not necessary when using a true bottom up programme with only FS links.

You are really getting into this.

I think you should contact Richard Ormerod at Asta and ask if you can be part of the Beta testing group for V 11 or 12.

Best regards

Mike Testro