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Petrofac E&C International Ltd

Lead & Senior Planning Engineer (Consultancy), Petrofac E&C International Ltd, Inspection & Construction of Train 3

START Date: 
September, 2014
END Date: 
March, 2015

Position : Senior Planning engineer 

Project : Inspection & Construction of Train 3 

Client : Sonatrach 

Location : Algeria - Ain amenas

Senior Proejct Controls Engineer, Petrofac E&C International Ltd, UZ 750 Project - Island Surface Facilities (EPC-2)

START Date: 
August, 2013
END Date: 
February, 2017

Since August'13 with M/s Petrofac Emirates, ZADCO Island, Abu Dhabi, as Sr. Engineer-Project Controls.

Project Title           :               UZ 750 Project - Island Surface Facilities (EPC-2)

Proejct Controls Engineer, Petrofac E&C International Ltd, Ruwais NGL Train 4 Project

START Date: 
November, 2011
END Date: 
July, 2013

November'11 to July'13 with M/s Petrofac Emirates, Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, as Engineer-Project Controls.

Project Title           :               Ruwais NGL Train 4 Project

Muthukumar Muthukrishnan

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Professional Since: 
May-2004 (20.9 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Oct 2007 (17.4 yrs experience, WARNING: 3.4 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Planning engineer, Petrofac E&C International Ltd, Harweel Cluster facilities - Phase II (Up Stream -Project)

START Date: 
November, 2008
END Date: 
October, 2011

November'08  to October'11 with M/s Petrofac E&C Ltd, Harweel, Oman, as Planning Engineer.

Project Title           :               Harweel Cluster facilities - Phase II (Up Stream -Project)

Project Control Manager, Petrofac E&C International Ltd, LFHO Lower Fars Heavy Oil

START Date: 
September, 2016
Project Control Managerproject: LFHO Lower Fars Heavy Oil Development Phase 1 – Central Process Facilities, PipelineGathering, Wells Blocks, Tanks Farm.Client: Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.)Value 3.5billion USD, 53Million direct construction MHrs- Running and managing Project Control department.- Planning, Risk, Reporting and Cost Control services.- Construction phase reporting to Project and Home Office top management, EVM Analysis.

shabeer abdulkhalam

First Name: 
Last Name: 

Hi ,

    I am wotking as project controls , planninf related jobs since 2000, just after my university studies. I have got opprtunites for  being a part of  muliti billion projectsand complexive projects such as Pearl GTL project for shell and gas developement projects  across Asian region.  Has done planning , cost and schedules for EPCC projects.

I am expert i planning tools like P6 and MS Projects in addtion to MS office packages .

Professional Since: 
Nov-2000 (24.4 yrs experience)
Years Experience: 

Project Controls, Petrofac E&C International Ltd, UZ750 ZADCO and NGL4 Gassco

START Date: 
August, 2010
END Date: 
October, 2013

Project Description:

UZ750 Zadco Project : The Upper Zakum offshore field is located in the Arabian Gulf, 84 km from Abu Dhabi. The field is divided into four new artificial islands (Central, North, South and West) Each Island will host new facilities mainly comprising Drilling Area, Processing Area, Utilities Area, Non-process Facilities Area and Harbour Area.

Daroga Singh

First Name: 
Last Name: 


Technical Skill

  • Excellent understanding of Plot plan, P&ID, Units plan, SLD, ISOs…
  • Proven expertise of Onshore Projects Planning and setup the sequence of schedule in line with Project Construction, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning and Start-up of plant
  • Through knowledge of Multi-disciplines and sub-activities of Civil, Structural, Buil
Professional Since: 
Oct-1991 (33.4 yrs experience)
Years Experience: 

Osama Diwan

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Oldest experience: 
Jul 2000 (24.7 yrs experience, WARNING: 30.5 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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