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Progress Recording

Progress Recording...

There are various ways to record progress on schedules or for schedules but the most efficient way would be using pdf print outs & saving electronic versions of the pdf copies for back up in a separate folder. You must be disciplined & consistently efficient in recording the data on pro rata basis otherwise it will be useless.

The trick is to work out the progress reporting sequence & set up the folders to follow suit so Progress on week 1 will have a folder for a pdf copy & a copy of the electronic plan for progress of week 1. Simultaneously follow the routine until the end of the project as it will make the task of close out documentation of the project much easier also.

Your Master Plan will be the current plan your team is working toward so keeping historical data of the plan will be of enormous benefit to your team as it will enable them to share data & learn from mistakes/discoveries so we can plan better in future.

Another version of progress recording would be using the S-curve method where there are resources assigned to the tasks on the schedule. We can export the data into spreadsheets or databases where we can manipulate the data to suit our agendas/requirements to report on progress to the clients satisfaction.

Most Planning softwares would have progress reporting structures in place so you can be sure to report on your progress whichever the preference may be.

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