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How To Deal With Activity Steps

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Alexandros Kroustis
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Dear all,

I currently have a big project seted up. It has a total of 21,000 activities.

The current level of detail of the activities is activity type per building & floor.

What I want to achieve is to introduce somehow rooms per floor & put priorities on them.

Also activity steps.

For example the activity is: Building X03 - GR Floor - Installation of Doors

And I want to end up to:

Building X03 - Gr Floor - room 1/2/3... - Installation Of Frame

Building X03 - Gr Floor - room 1/2/3... - Installation Of Door

Building X03 - Gr Floor - room 1/2/3... - Installation Of Door Hardware

For crew detailed assignment & monitoring

The room priority should be through priority column

My question is: Can I achieve that somehow without making the existing activities phases and expanding them to the above mentioned & linking them?

Thanks & Regards,



Alexandros Kroustis
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You are correct.

I will try to make this exercise to see the results. But it's not my baby.

I was asked to go to this project for construction support and help the site team on the schedule.

I will propose it to the planning site team.

Kind Regards,


what about rolling wave planning?

In high rise construction we plan the whole projects with activities as floors but use detailed schedules for the nearest three or four floors. Most of the floors are typical and it is easy to include new floors in the detailed plan replacing the phase floor with the new detailed project describing the work on the typical floor. This way you do not need to create too large model and still will have the required level of details for current works.

Alexandros Kroustis
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I was also thinking to work inside activities having spider project "teams" to act like rooms. With fixed volumes per "team"(room) and priorities on them for logic instead of links. But then I thought that I will miss the links in between rooms.

The programme as I already mentioned reach to a level of detail of trade per floor. That means that if we have elastomeric flooring in some small room of this floor, this activity is linked somehow with the rest activities of this floor.

As a result we have a group of activities for a floor that some exist on some rooms and some don't.

As a result, with a general logic per floor, the actual work on site differs than the logic of the programme.

For example, all my false ceilings installation of a floor will finish after (with FF link) installation of all cables, pipes, ducts, even if we have some of these items only on some small rooms.

It's a level of detail that is used commonly, a summarized per floor level of detail, which works in bigger timeframes (2-3 weeks) but not on a daily basis. If everything goes as planned (keeping the 2-3 weeks targets) it works.

But when you are facing problems and you have delays inside the floor you are not able to control anything...

I agree with you that we need to reach to that level of detail in order to monitor & control properly.

But you need to have the proper planning team. If you don't, you have no programme at all.

This specific project needs by contract 1 Planning manager & at least 6 Senior Planning Engineers.

Instead of that on site we have 1 Planning Manager & 1 senior Planning engineer. I was assigned to help them as construction support from my company's main offices.

I will send you by email the programme.

Best Regards,




it is hard to estimate the time of calculation without trying your project. It depends on many factors including the model comlexity, the number of limited resources and activities competing for their assignments, etc.

As I already wrote that the way Spider Project deals with activities in progress was changed and it is necessary to try your schedule with the newer versions.

We did not meet problems with the large schedules but 18 minutes for schedule calculation looks too long. It may happen for the the complex models with a lot of activities with the skill assignments and hammocks with assigned resources. I don't expect to meet these kind of assignments in the schedule imported from P6. But I don't expect scheduling crash. Spider Project was successfully used for managing schedules of larger sizes (up to 300 000 activities) for years and we tested it on 1mln lines projects and did not meet problems.

If possible upload your schedule (as xer or sprj) and let me to download it and try its leveling with the current version of Spider Project. In this case I will be able to give you certain answers to your questions.

It is possible to simulate steps in Spider Project using artificial interpretation of activity volume (for example, 1, 2, 3 where 1 is 1st step, 2 is second step and 3 is final 3rd step) but this is wrong way if you want to manage project resources that can be different at each step. Besides, collecting actual data and managing project schedule is easier when the schedule is detailed.

Best Regards,


Alexandros Kroustis
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Hi Vladimir, I was afraid that the answer would be that...The programme is currently developed in Primavera. With 22,000 activities when I press schedule it takes 50 seconds to 1 minute each time. I cannot even think of developing that level of detail there, where I'm expecting to reach 80-100,00 activities. It will simply crash...I imported the programme in Spider Project and the time it takes to schedule depends to the schedule options:
  • Retained Logic: It takes 18 minutes
  • Retained Logic With exception of activities in progress: same, 18 minutes
  • Ignore preceding links if activity is in progress: 8 seconds
  • Ignore preceding links of activities finished: 7 seconds
I would like to ask you why there is so big difference between the above scheduling options. I suppose that having option 4 selected (Ignore preceding links of activities finished) I have the same result as retained logic?Also, my version of Spider Project is 11.01.28. Is there any performance difference in newer versions?I'm asking this to understand if I can develop the above detailed version reaching up to 80-100,00 activities and if this will be workable or if it will crash/ have huge delays while scheduling. Kind Regards, Alexandros 

Hi Alexandros,

sorry, I missed your post.

An answer is No. If you want to plan in such details you will need to create separate activities for each step and for many reasons.

One of them is usage of different materials at different "steps", you can also use different volumes and resource productivities.

I would suggest to create phase Installation of doors that includes activities Installation of Frames, Installation of Doors and Installation of Doors hardware. You can always decide if to show or hide detailed activities in your schedule but collecting actual data and planning required materials you will enter the results of activity execution on detailed level.

Best Regards,
