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Norm field/column in SP

5 replies [Last post]
Tong Cong Tuan
User offline. Last seen 4 years 44 weeks ago. Offline

Mr Rafael,

In almost my projects, I've used Norm (hours per 1 unit) more than using Productivity (units per 1 hour). Norm and Productivity are same essence, just an inverse of each other. So, how can I get it in SP. I tried formula in "new field", but still couldn't find Productivity field in it.

Thanks & Best Regards,


Tong Cong Tuan
User offline. Last seen 4 years 44 weeks ago. Offline

It can only do if Mr Vladimir add it to the next release of SP (hehe), make it as a default field like Productivity field...until now it just takes me 4 seconds for executing the formular, or 1 second if run a favorite Script. Formular in SP reminise me about the feature "Global Change" in P6, but "Script" is a really difference.

Thanks alot,

Rafael Davila
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Excellent, this is Planning Planet at its best, responses comes very fast, good when you need an answer in a hurry.

Bogdan Leonte
User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 291

You cannot set any column to calculate while you input data.

All calculation will be done after all the data has been introduced by the user.

You could create a script which will execute the formula (transform all norms into productivity) and then perform a simple CPM calculation o Resource Constrained Calculation.

To set up a script into the project go to Edit->Script->Create and copy paste the following:

Simple CPM calculation script:

PROJTABAPPLYFORMULA (Nrm->Prod, GANTTOPER); -applies the norm to productivity formula, in Activity Gantt table
PROJCALCSCHED (); -perform a simple CPM calculation(scheduling) based on options you already defined
PROJCALCCOST (); -calculates project cost and material consumption/revenue based on options you already defined

With constraints the script is the following

PROJTABAPPLYFORMULA (Nrm->Prod, GANTTOPER); -applies the norm to productivity formula, in Activity Gantt table
PROJCALCSCHEDRES (); -performs resource constraine sheduling based on options you already defined
PROJCALCCOST (); -calculates project cost and material consumption/revenue based on options you already defined

Best Regards,


Tong Cong Tuan
User offline. Last seen 4 years 44 weeks ago. Offline

Thanks Mr Bogdan,

I got it!

One more question: each formula we need to click the button "Execute" before it done. Can I do it automaticly, it means when I input values for Norm column, the Productivity column shall be calculated automaticaly. Sorry, I'm just a newbie user of SP.

Thanks & Best Regards


Bogdan Leonte
User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2012
Posts: 291


if I understand correctly you want a formula + user field (for norm) in order to transform norms into productivity?

If so here is how you can do it:

  • The productivity column is located under Assignment fields.
  • 1950
  • The RoundTo ( Value, Number of Decimals) is optional, to me it makes more scense to have a value for productivity rounded at two or three decimals rather than 8 or 9.
  • Hope this helps.
  • Regards,
  • Bogdan