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Productivity Fields

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Bogdan Leonte
User offline. Last seen 6 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2012
Posts: 291

Hello Vladimir,

Could you explain what are the following fields and how to use them:

Productivity [Current]

Productivity [Start]

Also there is the field Productivity [Actual] which is calculated based on actual hours and volume of work; however it is available only in performance archive, could it be extended into the Gantt Charts tables (Activity Gantt for example)? The value would be the weighed average of all periods of the resource assignments.

Best regards,


In Spider Project it is possible to set periods with different productivity of assigned resources.

Productivity [Start] shows initial productivity,

Productivity [Current] shows productivity at the data date.

These fields are calculated together with cost calculation.

Actual productivity is calculated for each assignment and it can be different for different activities of the same type.

The reasons for productivity deviations must be studied.

I would not recommend to use past productivity automatically for future activities scheduling.