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Petrochem Vacancy

33 replies [Last post]
Richard Rowberry
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There is an urgent requirement for a P3 Planner (not P3e) on a Turnaround at Esso Fawley, Hampshire, starting immediately, running until the end of October. Petrochem experience is a must - working 7 days/ week.

Can you contact me, Richard Rowberry (member ID 2873) if anyone knows of any suitable candidates,

Many Thanks


Sriram Iyer
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Hello Planners,

We have vacancy for Planning Engineer, Project Engineer, Piping Engineer in our company.

Please send your resume to
Philip Jonker
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Well said Clive, but retain your honety, but when you are vexated, let the steam blow off a bit
Clive Randall
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I refer to your recent posting
I assume that you were moderated because your posting was rude or deflamatory.
On this basis you should have censored yourself.
However Charlie I am always available for criticism so would welcome a copy of your posting.
Charlie having read your postings for nearly a year I have concluded that you are a planning engineer however more than that I cannot say.
I feel, and I am sure you will correct me if you feel I am wrong, that planning requires common sense an active mind an ability to listen and above all else an ability to understand a problem or issue from another persons perspective.
Ramming your opinions down somebody elses throat leads to people wondering why you are so wound up.
Charlie I have tolerated your thoughts on CPM and Primavera, your apparent inability to understand that other software exists, your continual outpourings with your regard to loving planning, and all of this but I find it vexacious when you personally attack me for what you perceive are my faults.
Charlie differences of opinion is what makes the world go round,
I will antcipate your response with the utmost pleasure.
Philip Jonker
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Hi Geoffrey or is it Richard,

Your observation is quite incorrect, as there is a town in the Orange Free State, just south of the Vaal river called SASOLBURG, their number plates used to start with OIL, and as far as I know, the HQ of SASOL is still situated there. I was born in 1951, and I can remember SASOL all my life as memories go. I believe the the company, and their technology, was started somewhere around the lat forties, however, I speak under correction. The word Secunda, is from Portugues, which means second, hence we refer to the plants as SASOL two and three. I have no connection with SASOL, except I use their fuels in my cars, as they seem to work better than others, and I have also worked on some of their projects.

A question to you is why are they the world leaders in coal to oil, and gas to oil technology, and I am touchy?
Geoffrey Boulton
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You’re a touchy one.

Just for the record: Petrochemical is any chemical derived from fossil fuels.

Sasol is a very new player in the international markets and I don’t think the first plants were built until around the 70’s / 80’s. (though I may be wrong on the last part) What was it, Secunda, then Ookiesfontien.


As for the Job, Fawley is ok and living around the New Forest is very pleasant but reading through the replies I do not think you are going to get many takers on this one.
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speaking of being moderated,

I really feel bad because it was the first time i acknowledge the post of Mr. Clive Randall, however, some friends of Clive question my motive, including free tour to hong kong. The guy is a jealous guy so what to do.

The whole post was moderated.

being moderated is not a big deal. We do need the moderator and I accept whatever judgement from the moderator.

Philip Jonker
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Hi Clive,

Not devious, Maybe just showing who you are
Clive Randall
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Sorry Gwen
Back on track
Once upon a time there was an engineer
He was a very good engineer and dabbled in all sorts of things like railways and ships and steam engines and buildings and all sorts of industrialk equipment
Some of the things he did fell down and others stayed up.
He formed a society to talk with like minded engineers and they had a jolly good time. Then one day several of the engineers had a spat and formed another engineers club and started a specilist division. In time the field split and split until there was a lot of clubs. Then the club chairman realised that to raise salaries they would have to limit membership. This was entirely selfish and took little account of ability. So they chairman raised the bar and said you couldny do this or that or the other unless you had paid your subs.
Thus the protective field of engineering was born where thinkers were excluded and people who could pass exams were worshipped.
From there came the secular engineers and career paths etc and the industry stood back and said behold we are good and the public said do what
Sorry charlie
Nonsense in nonsense out
Give me the man who thinks with or without a piece of paper because he can switch fields if he is logical after all what makes oil and gas any different to a sewage treat ment plant or a water works or a chemical plant or any other M&E installation
Clive Randall
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Dear Gwen
Nice to see you got moderated
I was moderated for quoting Gwen Stefani
Something like ooh thats my S*** you may have heard the song along with the rest of the world excluding the moderator.
Now blast I have forgotten what you said back in a minute.
Clive Randall
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My very dearest Charlie
Your opinions are a constant source of joy and always uplift my spirits by supplying a line of humour that has somhow been lost in todays society. Maybe this is due to a new level of tolerance and legislation.
Your post #13 refers.
your assertion that "purely civil guys got scared because of their ignorance" (in oil and gas) is a statement that defies explanation. Some time ago the north sea required static platforms. These were thought through and built by civil engineers I can but assume in their ignorance!
Last week In was watching the discovery channel and yes a civil engineer pops up explaining a massive project in Russia where a LPG/oil facility is being built to link an artic field with a 12 month ice free loading facility, the name escapes me but I am sure the construction manager said "hello I am an ignorant civil engineer who dosent know anything about oil and gas, so they put me in charge" maybe I misheard him.
As for me thank you for your career advice which I will heed, I will not get involved in oil and gas especially if the field is full of people that think they are the dogs b*****s as you appear to indicate is the case. I will stick to providing advice on how to bang nails in.
Charlie sometimes I can but wonder if turning sideways aids your passage through doors but yoh maybe the oil and gas industry has none because no ignorant civil engineers are allowed on site.
Clive Randall
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Lost the thread as I was off my seat last week
Are you suggesting that I am devious in your post #11???
Philip Jonker
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Hi Jerry,

I understand where you are coming from, it was just a comment, and not a lifting of chairs.

Jerry Alivio
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Please do not under estimate people like us...I assure you that i can even do Instrument Calibration, Equipment Alignment using the latest Laser instrument for aligning Ratating Equipments, Pressure Vessel Bundle Pulling and Retubing,you name all the discipline I can tell you how to do them, as long as it is related to Oil & Gas Petrochem and Power plant (Boiler & Cogeneration)but sorry to tell that i don,t give copies of Work Method Statement, JSA and Procedure.

I work hard for it, so i will keep them my self, this includes the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

I don,t need to lift my own chair around here but, I have to say something based on experienced.

I think i’ve been too far.

Kind Regards,


Philip Jonker
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Hi Jerry,

Agreed, but there is also the IC’s, EC’s. The IC’s normaly the elusive bits, if you do not understand loopchecks and the instrumentation habits.

Regards and enjoy

Jerry Alivio
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Hi! Philip,

I understand what you mean. But commissioning group can only take over if the MC is issued and signed.

Electrical cables and wirings can be terminated even if the weather is not that good. But can be consider, Life is too short, enjoy life the fullest.

Hi! Gwen, whats up, i did’nt hear you for a couple of weeks?


Philip Jonker
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Hi Jerry,

A pump is a pump, and takes hours to install, acable is pulled and terminated, the problem in bad ground conditions, with geotech surveys, design and the rest is a bit more complicated, so life becomes interesting, putting it all together, for comisioning to take over, and the is the satisfaction
Jerry Alivio
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Hi! Gwen,

I agree with you, it’s not too late to switch discipline from Civil,to Oil & Gas, can you include Power Plants.

I’ve been there before in Kuwait 1985 to 1987 (Mina Azzur),in Qurayyah (KSA)to Oil & Gas in Malaysia, well now I’m back to Power Plant again!!! wow!!

Not metioning Musul in Iraq, it’s just a Pipe line.

It’s fun... :)

Philip Jonker
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By the way Gwen it is a good idea, to copy any contentious posting, so that if they are deleted, you can forward them to interested parties. This cuts out the rigours of moderation and censoreship. You are obviosly hitting the bounds of what the moderators can handle.
Philip Jonker
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Hi Gwen,

Congratulations, send me a mail about the the first part, would love to know, a I have been moderated (censored) and deleted a lot of times.

Other than that I think you hit the nail on the head, as multi-disciplinary has been the route for the the last three decades. You cannot wear blinkers, and the training people receive in engineering, whatever discipline, should be broad enough in simple terms, as their experience and evolution as engineers, to understand the other disciplines, and embrace them in time. As a student in civil eng, I studied principles of electricity, mechanics, hydraulics, etc, taught to us by lecturers from the mechanical and electrical fields respectively. If people do not understand the sister disciplines, how do they interface? Ok, it is not within everybodies ambit to know and understand it all, the basic principles is what we are taught and if we understand them, life becomes simpler. It is not only only in the ares of engineering where this applies, but in all walks of life. You are either a specialist in one field, with a basic understanding of other fields, or somebody who has a good understanding of all fields, with no speciality, in which case you use the specialists to help you, basically a facilitator.

Gwen Blair
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Wow! At long last! I am up there with moderated subscribers. And not a swear word, a green/blue joke mentioned.

Gwen Blair
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1. [Deleted by Moderator]
When you take an island like Melkoya and flattening it for process footprint/take chunks out of it for barge insertion/tunnel to it to get guys and equipment across/blast it to get materials and more tank farm space
is not the "purely civils" involved in the oil and gas process?

2. Its never too late to switch direction. Its not exactly as if you are starting from scratch.

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Hi Clive,

I told you, "purely civil guys got scared because of their ignorance" (in oil and gas).

Too late for you to get involve in oil and gas. Just stick with building works, your expertise. At least for me I pass by with flying colors in my debut in the oil and gas.

I know SASOL. The company set up shop (actually a big, big plant) in Qatar to use there technology, GAS to LIQUID. I also know SASOL from South Africa.
I got involved with SASOL preparing proposal in reply to ITB.


Oscar Wilde
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Maybe you should read the ethics and intetrests section
Freedom of speech
Elected leaders never taking office and being placed under house arrest
and you ask me whats wrong with working in Burma
Of course if there is oil all other factors can be discounted and if required you can invade another country to make sure you keep it.
PS will keep you posted if I need a petro planner
Philip Jonker
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Hi Clive,
I think fascile is not the word, but devious explains it.

Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Nothing to embarrass about working in Burma, Why?
U need assistant or what... dont be ashame to tell us, u got the offer and need sombody for replacement. Shame on U.

May god bless U
Oscar Wilde
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sorry what are you saying you dont know where fawley is
you dont know what a PLANNER DOES
You think that Clive and Philip should not commet on your opinion maybe you should move to Burma thats close and seems to think the waY YOU DO
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Hi Philip and Clive,
Get a Life, yes i’m learning now, as long people like Philip and Clive and still in PP. he he..

I can say both of U like Modern Shakespear, Very intresting with instant pop up idea.

Clive Randall
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I was being fascile
Philip Jonker
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Hi Clive,

Petro chemical, is actually two words combined, meaning fuel and any other chemical industries, what makes it different to other industries is the hazards involved, if you would like a listing of all the types of chemicals, I could send you a decent database. The point is that ESSO is a petrolium based company, and the spin off products, from oil, is fairly standard. This is a bit different from coal to fuel, or gas to fuel, the technology which is based in my country, if you have ever heard of SASOL, an international player in these markets. Sasol as a matter of interest has had the grasp on these technoligies, coal to fuel for more than fifty years. So keep your tutt-tutts to yourself, until you really know what is going ong on, and answer Raja’s question. Get a life
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Actually by knowing the product like METHYL TERTIARY BUTYL ETHER, STYRENE MONOMER PROPLENE OXIDE or Fertiliser i can imagine the plant looks like and what the Process equipment they use. Another thing, are they going to shutdown overall Plant or several Equipment only.

Clive Randall
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I think you assume too much
Why would a planner in the petrochem field know what a petrochem plant produces especially as Fawley is a major petrochem plant in the UK
Shame on your reasoning that this is a simple fact
Philip Jonker
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Hi Raja,

Obviously petrol, with the name Esso, and probably the normal by products.


Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Hi Richard,
Can I know what kind of product the petrochem produce.
