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Licence Requirements for Bridge Construction Over A Canal In the UK

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Daniel Morris
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I am currently looking at a project that involves removing an existing bridge that crosses a canal in the UK. I was wondering if any one knew what licences are required to undertake these works as well as the traditional lead inns for the applications. There is no piling to be undertaken and so it will only be the construction of the new bridge that will have any impact. Also as I have never experienced bridge building before any advice would be greatly appreciated.






Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 26 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Hi Daniel

English Waterways control the UK canal system so that is a good starting point.

A bridge can be anything a simple as plank on two piles of bricks or a cable stay span.

The key to it is access for any lifting gear - cranes and the like.

And the fish breeding season may well come into it.

Best regards

Mike Testro