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Finish date problem

2 replies [Last post]
Richard Brown
User offline. Last seen 11 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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I have just updated a plan with new start and finish dates.

On one activity i have changed the start date but i'm unable to change the finish date to the new required date. The new finish date is just 2 days more so i changed the duration by 2 but that didn't give me the required date.

Any suggestions please




Richard Brown
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I'm sure i tried changing the remaining duration but i will try again on monday.

I don't understand why this one activity won't let me just enter the new finish date, could it be a constraint?

Thanks for your reply.



Raymund de Laza
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In an updated activity, if you change the Original Duration then the finish date will not change. Try changing the Remaining Duration so that Finish date will change.

Hope this will help.