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Remaining Labour Units and BL Project Labour UNits

4 replies [Last post]
Ron Beechey
User offline. Last seen 5 years 47 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 61

Once the project is used as a baseline does the remaining labour units become the BL project labour units?


Arend Woltjer
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Summarized data are available only when projects have been summarized. To summarize data, choose Tools, Summarize then select to summarize the open projects in the current view, all projects in the EPS (includes both open and closed projects but excludes summary only projects), or summary only projects (those projects for which the Contains Summarized Data Only checkbox is marked in the Project Details Settings tab).

■To include live data from all open projects and stored summary data from all closed projects with a specific leveling priority, choose All Closed Projects with Leveling Priority Equal/Higher Than, and enter the leveling priority you want to use. (Specify the leveling priority per project in the General tab of the Projects window.) The module uses this value to consider applicable external projects (those not included in the current layout) when deducting from resource availability immediately during leveling.
■To not include resource data from external (closed) projects in the remaining units and cost values for Resource Usage Profiles, Resource Usage Spreadsheets, and tracking layouts, choose Opened Projects Only

Arend Woltjer
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Hi Ron,


the remaining labour units become the BL project labour units.

Do not forget to run 'tools' - 'summarize' after your calculations.




Ron Beechey
User offline. Last seen 5 years 47 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 61


In P6 I save a copy of the project as a Baseline and checked the remaining hours.   They would peak in September.   I added the baseline to my project and review the baseline Budget Units and they do not peak in which I think they should as the baseline is a snap shot of the project at a momnet of time.  What does seem to work is the dates for the baseline.   Start and finish are in place.

Sunil Babu
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Hi Ron,

Remaining labour units depends of the percentage of unit completed ...

BL Labour units will be the gudeline to calulate the variences..

