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remaining / at completion duration

7 replies [Last post]
Forrest Chen
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Dear all,

please help me with the questions below, thank you.

1. When i status my schedule, i notice that sometimes when i check the status of an newly started work as "start", the duration in "at completion" row will change to a duration longer than the original duration. so i have to change it back to original duration, either by input a figure in "remaining duration" and in this case i have to do a math first (original minus actual). sometimes i just change the figure in "at completion" to make it equal to the one in "original". any suggestion why?

2.   what is more frustrating is that, some times the figure in "at completion" does not change at all when i status an activity, but after i press F9 and schedule it. the figure changes, which means everytime i have to status and schedule first, and check the duration and manually change it, and then scheudle it again. any suggestion?





Raymund de Laza
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Prior to start of the project:
Original Duration (Planned Duration) = Remaining Duration = at Completion Duration

Once project started and the program is updated then the above equation will never be valid anymore. RD / @CD is either greater or less than the Original Duration.

Use a Fixed duration & Units for duration type.

Arend Woltjer
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Hi Forrest,

'original duration' is the value that you get when you enter finish and start dates of enter a specific duration.

This value is a startpoint for all kinds of calculations the P6 program does;

'remaining duration' is the value that is calculated form the 'start' date and the 'original duration' , at first remaining and original are the same.

Then you activity starts and you have to update the progress of the activity;

1. you have to set the status to started and chose the actual start date.

2. you have set the % complete.

3. Update (F9) your schedule.

In your example:

OD= 100

RD= 110

Means you have an actual start but no progress although you are ten days in to the activities original planned date.

If you want your OD to be the same as the RD your progress should be 10%.

I hope this helps,

Pleas ask if you like more explanation,



Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 6 weeks ago. Offline



The "reset remainnig duration and units to planned or original" option does not do what you think it does or should.

From the help file (bolded for emphasis):

"Choose this option to recalculate the At Completion duration and Remaining dates based on the Planned duration and dates, and recalculate At Completion units based on the Planned units on activities and assignments. If an activity does not have actual costs, the Planned Cost, At Completion Cost, and Estimate to Complete are equal"


Primavera is working as it should -best practise is to manually update remainnig duration for an activity -In my opinion, it is dangerous and lazy to want primavera to assume that all in-progress activities are on course to complete as per their original or planned duration.

However, if you really want this functionality it is there -choose "update progress" from tools menu to force primavera to update remaining duration on selected activities for you when scheduling to a new data date, based on assumption that everything has gone to plan.

Forrest Chen
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Hi Hanson,

Could you please further explain your solution? What do I need to do? thank you.

Forrest Chen
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Hi Arend,

Thank you for your reply. I checked the duration type and it is 'fixed duration and units/time'. now the thing is that even if there is only one activity, which hasn't started yet and has a duration of 100 days. When i mark it as "start" and choose June 10th, 2012 as the date when it starts. and then i press F9 and schedule it, with the data date chosen as June 20th, 2012. the at completion duration becomes 110 instead of 100, it looks like it equals to 100 (original duration) + 10 (the difference between start date and data date).  the remaining duration now equals to original duration (100 days), but I choose "reset remaining duration and units to original", so the remaining duration should be 90. it is really weird. maybe I missed something. any thought? thanks.

Jenny Ingco
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Hi Forrest,


I think I have same ur problem. The solution is you can use only the "At Completion duration" becasue it calculated by P6 and we can't change it manually like "Original duration". So, the "Original duration" is not accurate values.


Thank you,

Arend Woltjer
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Hi Forrest,


i think you have a 'duration type' other than 'fixed duration and units/time',

copy your project, add the column duration type, change it and re-try.

Check your settings at the projects view, 'defaults'tab  and project calender and activity calender as well. 


