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Link between remaining duration and % complete

5 replies [Last post]
kamesh avasarala
User offline. Last seen 4 years 5 weeks ago. Offline

Dear All,

iam using P6 latest version , after i updated activities when i update % automatically remaining dutaion changing visa versa.

but i want to enter both seperate like % 20 and RD 10 days not able to do if i chage % will automatiacally RD, again if i change RD will changing the % , but in older version of primavera P3 there is an option link remaining duration to % complete. but in latest P6 version i didnt find that in latest version can any body help in this regard.




Zoltan Palffy
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Changing duration type from duration % complete to physical % complete is a 3 step process. 

1st filter for ALL activities then add a column and expand General category and select duration type

now in the duration type column select Percent complete and then do a fill down (this changes the duration % complete type for all EXISTING activities to Physical % Complete).

2nd go to the Projects directory and make sure that your project is highlighted click on the Defaults tab and change the Percent Complete Type to Physical (this changes the duration % complete type for all NEW activities to Physical % Complete).

3rd go to tools global change and NEW on the right hand side.

up top under Select Subject Area make sure that it is Activities then add this specification

Where           Duration % Compete       is greater than          0


Physical % Complete       =         Duration % Complete


then select change then lower right select Commit Changes


kamesh avasarala
User offline. Last seen 4 years 5 weeks ago. Offline

Dear All,

Thank you for reply i will use physical % only but now i already assign as duration % complete can i chage it to physical % complete? 

kamesh avasarala
User offline. Last seen 4 years 5 weeks ago. Offline

Dear All,

Thank you for reply i will use physical % only but now i already assign as duration % complete can i chage it to physical % complete? 

Zoltan Palffy
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There is no switch in P6 David hit the nail on the head you will have to use physical % comeplete if you do not want the % to update the remining duraiton or vice versa. 

Since there is no switch if you use DURATION % complete it must update the remaining duration and vice versa

David Kelly
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This is a HUGE subject, especially if you come from a P3 background.

In p6 "duration % complete" = RD

You will almost certainly want to change to Physical % complete...... but that is only the start of the story.