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Filtering of activities in P6

21 replies [Last post]
Kannan CP
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Hi Friends,

How to fiilter the activities of a particular month, which neither starts nor ends in that particular month, but will be in progress stage during that month. Assume as a baaseline schedule

For eg:

Activity 1: Dec 2011 to Jan 2012

Act 2     : Feb 2012 to Sep 2012

Activity3: Apr 2012 to Oct 2012

Activity4: Nov 2012 to Dec 2012.

I want to filter and see the activities during the time period of Aug 2012. Activities 2 & 3 are passing through the Month Aug 2012.

I filtered both with Early start/Early finish & start/finish-with in the range of Aug 01 & 31. but its not working.

Can somebody advise me with a solution.




Zoltan Palffy
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Glad I could help you

Meurig Davies
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Thanks for you help Zoltan. Your solution works perfectly.






Zoltan Palffy
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if you only want to find passing thru Jan 2020 then



where Start is less than Jan 1 2020


finish is greater than Jan 31, 2020


also if you want activities that happen during Jan 2020 you will need to use 2 filters 

use the 1st one I listed and add a 2nd filter


where start within the range Jan 1 2010 (low value) and Jan 31  2020 (high value)

or where where finish within the range Jan 1 2010 (low value) and Jan 31  2020 (high value) 


Zoltan Palffy
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ANY where


start is within the range (low value) 8/1/201 and 8/31/2012 (high value)

or finish is within the range (low value) 8/1/201 and 8/31/2012 (high value)

Meurig Davies
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I am looking to pass through January when it will be planned to be in progress.





Zoltan Palffy
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You have to at lest tell me what month you are looking to pass through ?

I think you are looking for 

activity status  equals in-progress

this will list any activities that have started but are not yet done.

Meurig Davies
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Hi All,

How to fiilter the activities of a particular month, which neither starts nor ends in that particular month, but will be in progress stage during that month. 


All activities that fall within th date range 1st Jan to 31st Jan whether thay are planed to Start,Finish or pass through in Progress


Thanks in Advance



Meurig Davies
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Hi All,

How to fiilter the activities of a particular month, which neither starts nor ends in that particular month, but will be in progress stage during that month. 


All activities that fall within th date range 1st Jan to 31st Jan whether thay are planed to Start,Finish or pass through in Progress


Thanks in Advance

Rafael Davila
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Robert, your solution is very good, as we say at home very much better!

BTW as far as I can recall MSP have such filter pre-defined under the name of Date Range Filter.

Robert Bell
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It doesn't matter much, but a slightly quicker way to filter for a particular period is;

Where Start is less than 31-Aug-12

And Finish is Greater than 01-Aug-12

Zoltan Palffy
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I posted the p6 answer

Rafael Davila
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How to filter the activities of a particular month, which neither starts nor ends in that particular month, but will be in progress stage during that month?

How in progress filter will find out if will be in progress a few months after Baseline DD?

In progress between Aug. 1, 2012  -  Aug. 31, 2012?

I am not a P6 user any longer but maybe the above can be specified, in such case it should be enough to make the filter.

Zoltan Palffy
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I dont know what your data date is but here is a solution

solution #1



Paramenter       is                                   value                high value

start               is within the range of        aug 1, 2012       aug 31, 2012


Finish                is within the range of        aug 1, 2012       aug 31, 2012


activity status              equals                     inprogress



Rafael Davila
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Learn to use the operators, any activity that complies with Condition 1 OR Condition 2 OR Condition 3 OR Condition 4 will make it.

==>> Do not use AND operator.

BTW as long ago I stopped using Primavera each day it passes it becomes more difficult to understand it.

Ramshad kuniyil
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Hi rafael,

i want to filter the activities as condition 4 like you mentioned above. i did by puting start date greater than or equal to august 1 and finish date less than or equal to august 30. but its not showing all the activities. it is showing only finished activities. i need all activities within the range



best regards

Arneil Cagas
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open ur project, go to group & sort,group by select start , and  select a Month if group interval


and then apply, ok.



dulat Praliyev
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Can you explain how to working filter?

Kannan CP
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Thanks a lot Rafael, Ferdinand, Shareef.

Now its working.



Shareef Abdul Azeez
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This is how the Filter Coniditions given by Rafael would be in P6 and it works !!!




Ferdinand U.
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Rafael's reply is the answer to any filter lookahead date problem


for your situation, condition 3


Filter specs should be:


All of the following

Start is less than or equals 01-Aug-12

Finish is greater than or equals 31-Aug-12

Rafael Davila
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I do not use P6 but the following set of conditions can be a way:

  • Condition 1: activities starting within the date range.
  • Condition 2: activities finishing within the date range.
  • Condition 3: activities starting before the date range and finishing after the date range.
  • Condition 4: activities starting and finishing within the date range,

Learn to use the operators, any activity that complies with Condition 1 OR Condtition 2 OR Condition 3 OR Condition 4 will make it.

Best regards,
