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How to filter out only those activities driving a task?

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David Podmore
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I’ve just been asked if I can select a task towards the tail of a project (not neccessarily on THE critical path) and only display those tasks driving it. In effect a selective "critical path" in its own right if you see what I mean. Sounds like a good idea for a TOOLS button but there you go...


Arthur Godbeer
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There is another existing enhancement request to show which relationships are driving, as a column.
Arthur Godbeer
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I know this is not what you’re asking, but in case you don’t know, you can show (with a tick) which activities are driving, within the Predecessors or Relationships/Predecessors tabs.

To show driving relationships only in a layout is an existing enhancement request, according to the Primavera Knowledgebase.
David Podmore
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Thanks for that Alex.

It’s not the simple answer I was hoping for! Ah well, I guess we will have to wait for Primavera to add it as a function.

Trace Logic is the closest we have found to an answer but it’s still not as good as "Display driving links only" in Pertmaster.

Again, thanks for your time.

Alex Wong
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to do that you need the un progress baseline schedule

What I normally do is since some of the activity is already completed and finish so it is very hard to filter and trace all the activity which is linked to this particular activity,
to filter that first step is use the baseline schedule (With the same logic sequence) (make a copy) - add a finish no later constraint in the tail activity with a very very early day 2 year before its early finish day or something like that
Schedule the plan
Filter the activity with excessive negative float,
Remove the constraint
Schedule the plan again

Then you will have all the activity that have assoication (link) with this activity
Sort the activity by total float
the lease float activities are the critical path for that particular activity, and the rest is on the critical path but not necessary as the critical activity

