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Completed activities in past filter

2 replies [Last post]
Morne Beeslaar
User offline. Last seen 7 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Jul 2009
Posts: 19
Hi all,

I am trying to build a filter which will show me completed activities for the past 2 weeks in P6.7

I tried using Finish within range of ’DD’ DD-2W’ and activity satus = complete

I also tried varying this with actual finish in the same parameters but without luck.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.


Morne Beeslaar
User offline. Last seen 7 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Jul 2009
Posts: 19
Cheers Andy,

Works a treat!
Andrew Dick
User offline. Last seen 8 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Feb 2007
Posts: 295
You have the equation around backwards.
Low value is DD-2w and High Value is DD.
Works the same as a timeline with the lowest value to the left and high to the right.

So it should be -
Where ’Finish’ is within range of ’DD-2W’ and ’DD’
And you don’t even need the activity complete status

Works a treat for me
