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export relationships

7 replies [Last post]
hosam ebrahim
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Iam preparing aschedule with about 30000 activity. Gave this file to my consultant later I added some relations for some activities. How to give the consultant only the relations which changed to enable him from updating the copy which I gave to him previously??

I tried claim digger but I always recive event code error B6572355 which I don’t understand what is the meaning of it.

My primavera is P6.7


Any quick solution will be appreciated.




hosam ebrahim
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Thanks for your reply

it looks that y really expert in database and these issues, but me not. so i dont think that i can do this


any way thanks alot

Rafael Davila
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Check Ron Winter Schedule Analyzer - Logic League comes at a cost but if compatible with your database it might solve all your issues with the links table. If interested I suggest you contact them to make sure it is compatible and that the database limit is not as those of a worksheet based data tables.

It is possible even the file comparison included can do the comparison though not as detailed as the logic league.

Another option might be that you use a database software to compare CSV text files instead of a worksheet software.

Good luck.

hosam ebrahim
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Dear Baris,

Thanks alot for your replys time and interest.


i wanna tell you that my primaveral version is ORACLE based not SQL so why i did as you mentioned above error message appear "SQL server dosn't exist or access denied".

are there solution for this??


Baris Hazar
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Open an empty excel xlsx file (2007 or 2010 version)

Go to Data-->Get External Data-->From Other Sources-->From SQL Server







If you can not connect via windows authentication use :

User name=sa


After getting connected, select pmdb$primavera database and find TASKPRED table and import it. Then do the same thing and import TASK table to another sheet. 




In the TASKPRED table;

task_id=Successor Activity

pred_task_id=Predecessor Activity



Use VLOOKUP and bring the task_codes from TASK menu for these activities .

Please bear in mind that, excel gets everything from P6 in terms of the selected table in a structured way. You should a bit work on this to separate the projects from each other. 


Hope this helps.






hosam ebrahim
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also i want to ask about these folish error message whoch we recive from p6.7 . this event error code B6572355 i can't find any thing about it in P6 help, oracle web site and no any information in any web site!!!!!!!!

so how can we work like this??!!!!!!

hosam ebrahim
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Thanka alot Baris for your reply.

actually i tried to make this solution previously but i faced a problem that the maximum excel rowas are 65000 in the time my relations about 118000.

in the same time there is no filter in the export screen for relationships enabling me to select any code, part or at least make export for the relations in several times to solve the excel problem.

are there another solution??

Baris Hazar
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If claim digger gives an error, you can compare your schedules as follows,

Export all your relationships of first and second schedules to Excel; through File-->Export-->.xls-->Activity Relations.

Include only:Predecessor;Successor;Relationship Type;Lag columns

Go to excel files and follow the steps below:

Combine all the mentioned columns by using Concatenate [=Concatenate(Pred;Succ; Rel Type; lag)] formula for each file and have 2 main list of relationships.






Do this for 2 files separately and have 2 sets of Comparison column. 

Then by using VLOOKUP formula, compare 2 schedules. #N/A errors will give you the differences between 2 schedule.


