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Issue with Original Duration in P6 when importing MS Project xlm file

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katrin enders
User offline. Last seen 8 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Aug 2008
Posts: 19

Hi All,

I have a schedule prepared in MSP and I import it to P6 as an xml file. Durations of the tasks in the imported file appears in Original Duration

column (as expected). However, when I change the duration of a task in the Original Duration in P6, the bar in the Gannt Chart does not get longer

or shorter. It gets longer or shorter when I change the duration in the Remaining Duration column.

In fact the Original Duration and Remaining Duration update in Ms Project but after saving the MS File Project as XLM to import to Primavera P6 this

no longer works.

Its as if the calculation in P6 is disabled for this imported Project and I do not know where.

Because If i start a new project in P6 all works as usual and Original Duartion and Remaining Duartion up date automatically

Any ideas whats wrong?

thanks Katrin



Khaja Sharief
User offline. Last seen 11 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Sep 2008
Posts: 44

Go to project view. Select the calculation tab and tick mark 'Link budget and at completion for not started activites.'