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Original Duration Problem while Importing xml File to P6

5 replies [Last post]
Utku Çil
User offline. Last seen 10 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Jun 2011
Posts: 29

Hi there all,

I have a schedule prepared in MSP and I import it to P6 as an xml file. Durations of the tasks in the imported file appears in Original Duration column (as expected). However, when I change the duration of a task in the Original Duration column in P6, the bar in the Gannt Chart does not get longer or shorter. It gets longer or shorter when I change the duration in the Remaining Duration column.

The question I want to ask is, which column in P6 are the durations in MSP imported to? Is it Original Durations column or Remaining Durations column? or something else?

Thanks in advance.


Ron Beechey
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I was interested in what the use of the option is.   Good to know that during the import it gets shutoff.


You have a good day

Utku Çil
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The thing is it was not me who has that specific checkbox turned off. When I import the xml file from MSP, it comes out to be unchecked by default. Since I was not aware of the function of the checkbox, I could not understand what was going on. Anyway, I solved the problem.

Sorry to take your invaluable time.



Ron Beechey
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Posts: 61

Not sure why one would ever have this check box turned off.   Does anyone know of a reason why this is an option, "Link Budget and At Completion for not started activities" checkbox under "Projects window => Calculations Tab

Ron Beechey
User offline. Last seen 6 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 61

Not sure why one would ever have this check box turned off.   Does anyone know of a reason why this is an option, "Link Budget and At Completion for not started activities" checkbox under "Projects window => Calculations Tab

Utku Çil
User offline. Last seen 10 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 29

I found the answer in one of the previous posts in forum. "Link Budget and At Completion for not started activities" checkbox under "Projects window => Calculations Tab" need to be checked. the problem is solved then.

regards to all