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Export/Import multiple P6 projects data to excel

6 replies [Last post]
Adrian Millsted
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I need to export resource units data from P6 into excel on up to 200 managed projects, and then need to re-import this modified resource/units data back to P6 v6.1 from Excel, once project managers have updated it.  The import facility available to superusers only permits export/import for one project at a time, which is not practical in my case. 

Is there a way of exporting/importing a single set of data (xls file or otherwise) which will update the relevant projects by way of unique references (Project and activity ID's). Have seen this type of thing done with Artemis Views - but not sure about P6.


Andy Power
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When you export multiple projects to Excel an Excel a seperate file for each project is created and has to be amended/imported seperately.  Using the SDK tools again is on a project by project basis, if you are trying to amend project or resource assignment data, if rather than resource assignments you are trying to amend global resource data then this could be done through the SDK XLS tools (Dictionary 6vX.xls).


The only way I can think of being able to amend project data on multiple projects at the same time would be to use the API (requires knowledge of Java programming) OR if you use ODBC to have linked tables in MS Access and write a query (quite dangerous!) OR if you know VBA you may be able to write your own SDK code to perform the task.


Sorry there's no easy way!



Dieter Wambach
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when you run a report you are asked for the output:

You'll select ASCII --> field delimiter select ";"; leave the text qualifier --> give a name to your file inclusive extension "CSV".

In some Excel installations ";" doesn't work as a delimiter, then try "|" or the other possibilities. I never found a reason why ";" doesn'T work in some environments.

Good luck!


Adrian Millsted
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Deiter, thanks for that - when I follow this export route, it only allows me to create an ERP file, not a csv? Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong (using v6.1 currently).



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Hello Adrian,

Sorry but i stil dont know a lot how to use P6. I still rely on P3 since it is my expertise and more so i handle only 1 project at a time.

I noticed that one of the difference of P3 vs P6 is that P6 is capable of of managing multiple projects at the same time in a high level perspective. In fact it is often times called portfolio mangement software since you can manage several projects and programs using P6. It is an ideal schedule tool for an enterprise.

Logically, therefore, P6 can produce data or process data of several projects and programs at the same time as well as import/export these data, other wise, its portfolio management capabilities will be useless if it can do only export and import process per project individually. Its just like using P3 as a stand alone tool.

There must be a way to do these import / export processess for multiple projects at the same time. Otherwise if theres none, I think Oracle should provide some answers on this handicap or re-engineer P6 to do that.

Thank you.



Dieter Wambach
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Sorry, double entry.

Dieter Wambach
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Hi -Adrian

I am afraid, there is no solution you'll really appreciate.

Export is easy using the report wizzard. If you'll select to create a file it will create a csv format.

For the import you'll need a programmer and an API-license, which is free of charge as far as I know, or directly do it in SQL. On your DVD you can find tha data-model.

I don't know if SDK is able to work multiple projects. 

Good luck!
