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Export/Import Project

22 replies [Last post]
Nestor Principe
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Dear All,

I have exported a project and imported to another computer. We are using 2 stand alone systems.

The layouts and filters are not imported. Is this normal or I missed something.

Thanks to your assistance. I can read the manual but I need the solution urgently.



johan verhoeven
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I'm having an issue with importing Xls and XML into P6 v8.2.

It is simply totally not working at all.


DBJACKET.primavera.xml.SummaryImportLog.txt looks like:

"com.primavera.integration.client.ClientException: Fatal error: null
    at com.primavera.integration.client.Session.a(
    at com.primavera.integration.client.Session.login(
Original Exception:
    at com.primavera.integration.server.ServerFacadeBase.login(
    at com.primavera.integration.server.ServerFacade.login(
    at com.primavera.integration.client.LocalSession.login(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at com.primavera.integration.client.Session.a(
    at com.primavera.integration.client.Session.login(


I have no idea on what could be wrong ?? 

Field Corosion
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Dear Planners


I would like to aks, is it possible to import part of project which is came from our contractors to my master plan project, for example i have one big schedule with difirenet kind of job civil mechanical and E&I, therefore i am recieving 3 types of schedule, and i want to import into my main schedule these reports, i mean import for right place? pls help


If you have any instruction please send to my email



Zoltan Palffy
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you can export and import individual layouts since they do not come with the project during an exporting of an xer 

go to 1st machine 

view layout open

highlight the the layout you want to export

on the right hand side select export (it will be a .plf file)

save the file 

go to 2nd machine 

view layout open

on the right hand side select import

file the .pil file that you previous exported and then import it 

Michael Lepage
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Strictly on the layout import / export question.  Here's a complete step-by-step with screenshots:


Hope it helps,


Linkan RS
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I am new to Primavera with some basic knowledge. I have a doubt, if i import a program prepared by some other planned in to my system will the calander also will be imported which the other planner had defined?? i would be glad if any one can assist me in guiding how to export the baseline schedule? how to import the baseline schedule along with the process update??

Looking forward for early assistance.



Linkan RS
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I am new to Primavera with some basic knowledge. I have a doubt, if i import a program prepared by some other planned in to my system will the calander also will be imported which the other planner had defined?? i would be glad if any one can assist me in guiding how to export the baseline schedule? how to import the baseline schedule along with the process update??

Looking forward for early assistance.



Nestor Principe
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I encountered another problem. The budgeted and actual total cost got 1% difference when exported. I used global change to corect the budgeted cost and still trying to find how to correct the actual cost,it’s affecting my stored period performances.

Somebody experienced the same?

Nestor Principe
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P6 needs improvemetn to make it simple and user friendly or just maybe it needs to add module for macros. I remember Project 2 in the early days.

Thanks to all.

Rafael Davila
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Rafael Davila
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Sure it helps; by the way from a Google search I just find out that the last part of the procedure can solve issues on P6 Bad Public user name & password as follows.

You will need to use the SQL Server Management Studio in order to get this to work. When you log into the SQL Manager, You select the P6 database. Right click and select: "New Query".

In the right pane you will need to paste the following script:

Exec sp_change_users_login ’Update_one’,’PUBUSER’,’PUBUSER’

Exec sp_change_users_login ’Update_one’,’PRIVUSER’,’PRIVUSER’

and select "Execute" from the menu.

The connection to the priv- and pubuser is reestablished. Now you will no longer receive the "Bad Public user name & password" error.

Best Regards,
Rafael Davila
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For sure what you are asking is no copyright infringement. Posting a primavera document intended only for those under service agreement would be, we understand why you can only make a reference and not issue a posting of the document. Therefore I was asking for you to provide us with information on how to transfer databases in your own words so there is no copyright infringement.

Can the following link be a jumpstart on the issue?

Best regards,

With a copy and paste into MS Word I copied the article for my own use, that I cannot distribute.
Rafael Davila
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Your knowledge stands high as always. As I said I do not have P6 but I am sure many P6 users will be interested in how to copy a database from one PC to another, something I never did. Just keep in mind many network users have not have access to the knowledgebase, share your wisdom without any copyright infringement, please.


Rafael Davila
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Maybe you can create a copy of your original database and rename it, erase all unwanted data to be transferred, then copy this database into the other computer and make it accessible using your database software.

I don’t think P6 limits you to use only one database file, once configured you can select any at the startup dialog. We tried P6 and stopped using it as we found it to be overkill for our needs, I do not have a copy of it so I cannot give you any more details of how I created an additional database, sorry. I was exploring the idea of keeping separated projects on separate databases from various clients I provide CPM Scheduling support but never bought a license for myself.

Best regards,

Remember to always keep your backups to date, just in case.
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U can’t export / import filters along with the program.

Only way is to assign them as Global.

It is useful, only if u have limited no. of projects, o/w becomes messy.
Glenn Dexter Ubaldo
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Hi Nestor
I hope this help, regarding layouts go to view/layout/open and select the layout you want to export then click export and make it in .plf format, do the same in all the layout you want to copy and then open it in the other computer using the same steps but with import command, that should do the trick but regarding the filter im still trying to figure it out also,

Nestor Principe
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Hi Alexandre,

Thanks to your prompt reply. It saves me time.

Great!! That means I have to recreate about 50 layouts and less than hundred filters.

There must be way to work around.
