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Copy Logic Between Projects

3 replies [Last post]
Brendan Donovan
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This post relates to P6v7 SP2.

I want to know if you can change project id's on copied logic. i.e. move the logic from one programme (that is structurally the same (incl Act Ids) to another.


I have 4 projects that make up a full programme in one EPS.  These are logically linked from project to project (call it EPS group 1, PROJ1A, PROJ2A, PROJ3A, PROJ4A).  If I make a copy of this group (call it EPS group 2 PROJ1B, PRO2B, PROJ3B, PROJ4B).

I then update PROJ1B , and replace PROJ1A (in eps group 1) with this (only between copied activities unchecked) . All The logic will be copied, but the project logic will be still be assinged the projects in EPS group 2, is there a way to reassign the project ids (on predecessors and successors) so the logic will link to the projects in EPS group 1??

I have also tried this in the WBS view, it doesnt work!

(if its a user setting this could be embarrassing)

Lets see if any of you Gurus can come up with an answer to this puzzle...good luck :-)




Brendan Donovan
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HI, I managed to solve the problem using Primavera SDK, You cant do this in the primavera front end, unless as you say export the relationships edit then reimport, but this can be very manual and time consuming as you need to also update predessor and successor wbs lines. 



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There is no way to stop the happen by project copy.

Instead expert the relationship from copy projects, filter out the unnecessary external relationship by project ID, mark delete and import back.  Problem solve

Raymund de Laza
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Hi Brendan,

You copied all Projects from EPS 1, including all the external relationship from projects to projects.

PROJ1A=PROJ1B and so on...

Why not doing the update in PROJ1A instead of PROJ1B?


Hope this will help you.

