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how to copy the resources from one project to another

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kumar s
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Dear Guys,   I have to copy the resources of one project to another. both the projects  have same activities only the duration and the time is  changed. so what is the best way to do it.   thanks in  advance       Regards,


kumar s
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Dear All

thanks a lot for all your inputs..

@ russel

since i have around 500 activities i have to change the duration for all the activites and there are around 50 milestones with constraints.

so if i copy the first project and keep on changing the dates time it will take more time...which i wanted to avoid.


finally i got it done this way

since both the project are same only difference in time and duration.

first i exported both the projects to spreadsheet with the reosurces/budgeted units/time /activities column

then i copied the resources assignment form the first which has reosurces assigned and pasted in the 2nd project where i have to copy the resorces. then i copied the budgeted units/time also.

by this i got the resources assigned to the 2nd project with the same budgeted units/time.

then i imported the 2nd project to p6. i had got all the resources asigned to each and every activities without changing the time and duration.this took me just 5 minutes.


hope this is also a good option...



Russel Carandang
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hi kumar,

If you have the same activity and only difference is the duration and start date. why make it hard for yourself. Make a copy of your 1st project and you just have to change the Project name, duration and start date. that easy and that quick.


Roberto Jr Bustos
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i think raymund's way is the simpliest way .  make a copy of the project with resources then revise the duration.

its easier to revise durations of activities than reassign all resources and quantities again.


if you will do it with import/export, the number of rows between the two projects wont be matching since the other one doesnt have resources assigned yet.

Raymund de Laza
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Hi Kumar,

The easiest way I know is to use a mirror of the project with resource loaded and revise the duration to suit your new requirements.

Apply the methodolgy as suggested by Primvera.


Hope this will help you.



kumar s
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dear Daniel,

let me elaborate my query..

i have two projects which has the same no of activities.

only the activity duration and its start time is different.

 i have assigned the resources  for each activity in one project.

so i wnat to assign the same resources with same budgeted units/time to each of the activity.

now when i export to excel and try to copy the resources assignment from the one project to another it is not happening.

i mean the columns are not matching.

so is there any global change option to do this.

if we can do it in spread sheet can any body tell me the procedure to do it


thank s in adavnce



Daniel Limson
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Hi Kumar,

You can use Export and Import. You need to choose "Resource" when exporting.