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When I make down the original duration , the ressource allocation became overloaded but the unit/TIME didn't change

3 replies [Last post]
walid Lahiani
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Hello ,

Explication :

Imagine we have a Labour who works 8h/day and an excavation task ,

the original duration of the task is 10 days

so ,this laber will work a total of 80h ,

If i change the original duration to 2 days ,normally this laber have to work  40h/day => 5 labers/ day

But in the table we have always 8h/day (unit/time) =>one laber only

Thank you




Shazia khan
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Please check your calennder


it set to 8 hr per day or 10 hr per day.

 execavation is a construction activity, in general construction activity  time is 10 hr per day. (site working time 10 hr per day)


and Engineering main office  worked 8 hr per day , 5 or 6 days per week


first you check calender. ( ste hr / day  week, Month , & years)

2nd assign a right cal to activity

3rd check admin preference setting.

may it can work for you.

walid Lahiani
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Thank you !


Why I have to choice fixed Unit and not another type (physical,.....)

I mean how we choice the type : fixed unit or fixed duration,....


Shareef Abdul Azeez
User offline. Last seen 3 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Wahid,


In your case, before changing duration to 2 days ,,,set Duration Type: Fixed Units.

Then change duration.


Best Regards

Shareef A Azeez