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Best Practice for construction Progress Measurement , based on cost or Mnahours and WHy?

3 replies [Last post]
Shazia khan
User offline. Last seen 12 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Apr 2008
Posts: 139

Hi Experts


Please advise with your wide range of experience  , caption subject.




Dennis Hanks
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I think I agree with your first statement, but not quite sure I understand the second.  Are you saying that eg.  Steel accounts for 20% of our total construction workhours and we are 50% complete (by ton) with steel erection, then we have earned 10% of total construction progress?  If so, then we agree.  The reported construction progress is the aggregate of craft earned hours divided by the total construction workhour budget/estimate.

Workhours 'normalizes' comparison of disparate activities - pipe, wire, foundations, etc. - for earned hours (against established budget/estimate), but not for actual progress, that comes from installed quantities.

Second step is to compare the hours expended to what was allocated, but that was not the question.

Shazia khan
User offline. Last seen 12 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 139

Thanks For your reply.

I  appreciate your advise to measure physical progress based on Qty. ton Mtr. etc.

Construction Progress measurement To calculate the Weight Values for all activity , based on Manhours is easy for me.

Why, M/H based on the Qty ( according to work productivity) (4 Kg/h for Steel fabrication)

Example . if 1000 M/h spent on Fabrication , I can achived the Fab qty 4000 Ton for Steel structure fabrication.

may some other planner using Cost for the same, if they are using Cost then why, they  are not chosing M/H

I want your experience in that.

Thanks so much in advance,

have a nice week end


Jose Frade
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Good morning Shazia,

It should not be confusion between relative weight of activities to each other (based on cost or M/H) and progress measurement.


Method of measurement for construction should stick allways to physical progress of the works such as Units, m3, klms, tons, etc, done. Then comparing with the total qty to be done it comes a % achieved.


Since normaly you have activities with diferent units of physical work (m3, tons, m2, etc) then you have to use the same unit to relative calculate all the progress of the works - therefore MH is the comun unit to give a relative weight to each activity.



M/H - Use as units for work qty and as relative weight of each activity.

Qtys (m3, m2, tons, inches) - Use for physical progress of works.


Choosing between M/H and cost: Depends on the kind of projects, activities, etc. Basically boths are suitable.


Hope it helps you.

