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filter or sort

10 replies [Last post]
Shazia khan
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Could any one advise how to fiter Monthly duration.

Example. i have 260 days, OD and 10 months

i want to see each month duration. with respect to WBS

like Engg, Procurement , and Construction,

Best Regards


Rodel Marasigan
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You can cost load your activities without resource using TDE and create the histogram and S-Curve.

First you have to set the Default Price/ Unit for activities without roles or resources under Project Window Detail-> Calculations tab-> Activities say $1 or 10.
Then Use Global Change to transfer Durations to Est Weight.

Ex: Hour per time period = 8h/d

GC parameter:
Activity Type equal Task Dependent (optional)

Then Est Weight = Original Duration / 8

Once the Duration is Transfer to Activity Est Weight
Use Top Down Estimation to Populate units says 100,000

Select only the Project Main WBS and enter 100,000 to Estimated Units and click Apply.

Now you can generate Histogram and S-curve using Activity Usage Profile.
Rodel Marasigan
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In Activity usage profile there is an option to tick Time Period. When this option is tick, by highlighting the timescale range (i.e. 1, 2, 3 months...etc..) it will show only activities start, ending or within the range selected but it will not truncate the bar.

Another option that I use is Group & Sort using start or finish date and set the group interval by day, week, months or year. If Start is selected, any activity that start falls on the group interval selected will be shown on that group.
Andrew Dick
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Short answer?


You need something in there that can be added vertically through reporting/time periods to make a curve when the period numbers are added cumulatively.

Period gives you histogram (Column graph) add them together horizontally to give you the S Curve.

Even if you put in a dummy resource, with the default units assigned as budgetd based on Units/Time period.

You just have to have something, Possibly bucket planning at the WBS, but I’ve not used that???

Shazia khan
User offline. Last seen 12 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks for your reply, sort and filter , prob.solved.

I have a bid schedule, in P6v7

The projects have to finished within 10 months,

i have consider 3 months for Engg, 5 months for Procurement.

and five months for construction,
( Construction ss with Procurement) total duration is 10 months,

schedule is without resource, and witout cost loaded.

any option in P6 to create S-curve and Histogram based on duration for bid purpose.

Best Regards,

Andrew Dick
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I see.
I’d imagine thats waht was being looked for by Shazia.

I’m not aware of doing anything like this in Primavera unless you use similar methods I’ve described earlier.

Anyone else is more than welcome to prove me wrong.

Hi Andrew,
our truncation means showing only the jobs planned for selected period (dates, costs, quantities, etc.). No filter will do the same.
The picture shows how it looks:

Best Regards,
Andrew Dick
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I think the confusion comes from not understanding the requirements of the original request.
Does Shazia need the whole bar shown or just the month in question.

With respect to the bar set, what I proposed was using a user defined bar, driven by user start and finish dates. I use this all the time to overlay intermediate milestones in tender schedules.
You just set up the bar to display only the 1 month period you are after by assigning UDF date fields to the activity, then only turn on the appropriate bar in the Gantt. The only issue is you would still need to filter the activities in some way to ensure you only showed the ones with planned effort during the selected time period. (Take out the ones not due to start yet, or the ones that have already finished. (Saves on adding heaps of milestones on other lines)

If on the other hand you wanted to show the whole actiovity bar from start to end thatt had planned effort during the selected time period, the way I’d run that out quickly is to use the resource spread sheet or histogram and select the view to time period. that way only activities with selected resources assigned for the period selected will be shown in the Gantt, hence the need to select all resources if you wanted a full project view.
I’ve used this method to create "look ahead reports" in unstatused baseline shedules, as its way quicker than adjusting the filter between each print.

hope that explains it better.


Hi Andrew,
I did not understand your proposal.
Selecting activities that starts at some period or finish at the same period we add them all even if they started much earlier or finish much later.

In Spider Project we call this function Project Truncation.
Selecting this option you will get all data (including Gantt Charts) for jobs that were planned in any user defined period. I am curious if this can be done in P6.

Best Regards,
Andrew Dick
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I’m not really sure what you want to achieve here, but if I understand you only wish to show one month’s duration of each activity on a Gantt chart?????
Even more unsure as to why you would do this and what the value of it would be.

But anyway, here goes;
If asked to do this in a Gantt I could suggest a couple of different ways.
Use the resource spread sheet or histogram for the bottom part of the layout and select the appropriate periods in the lower timescale then select time period in the lower left, ensure that all project resources are selected in the bottom left layout and the remaining activities in the top half of the layout should be only those occurring in the selected time periods. You will still see the entire bar.
If you wanted to get really carried away you could create a separate bar set in the Gantt and have them run off activity user defined dates that you update with a global change every time you wish to show it. The bar set would require DD, CD or custom as start date and DD+1M, CD+1M or custom as a finish. Then if this was the only bar turned on you’d only see that portion as set by the UDF’s.

kumar s
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you can use the look ahead option and get the activites for that duration.
Filter option
is-within the range of
in the grouping criteria
group it like
START group interval- month.

I hope this will help you....