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filter and group & sort references to activity code references dissapear

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James Barnes
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Good morning

Any help you can offer for this niggling problem would be appreciated

I have posted about this before but never found a solution but I think my problem was a bit detailed for my peasized brain to explain properly. This morning I found a much simpler way to demonstrate similar behaviour

  • Make a view, filrered on an activity code so only a portion of your total activities satisfy the filter
  • with the view open and active, nav to Enterprise > Activity codes > Global/EPS/Project (whatever level your referenced code is at) > Modify
  • change the name of the code library title
  • your filter will stop working and you see all activities (at least mine does). 
  • Open the filter definition, the field is blank where your activity code was

I note the same or similar behaviour on Sroup&Sort and with elevating a Project code to EPS level. I conclude that P6 is not remapping references for any changes in activity code level or title.

we are running P6 r7 SP3 right now and I expect to be upgraded to P6 r8 next year. can anyone tell me if this is fixed at P6 r8?


My original problem was (and remains) this;

  • I have a layout filter embedded in a project layout that references a project level activity code
  • copy the project PROJ to PROJ-1
  • close PROJ and open PROJ-1
  • open the project layout in PROJ-1
  • The filter does not operate and you see all activities
  • Open the filter in that layout
  • the filter reference is gone
  • same behaviour with Group&Sort

I have concluded that the filter wipes itself clean as it is trying to reference the project activity code in PROJ, the reference has not been remapped to the relevant code in PROJ-1 in the copy/paste procedure. In a user or global filter this is understandable and logical, but not in a filter that is stored internally to the project itself. Group&Sort shows the same behaviour


Zoltan Palffy
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you are correct the filter was assoicated with the project you copied the project the filetr nor does the the layout come with it. It is associated with the original project