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Filter for completed critical activities

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jeff hogervorst
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I have a schedule that is progressed to a specific date.  I want to filter it to show the critical path activities INCLUDING the completed critical path activities.

It seems that once a critical path activity is complete, P6 no longer recognizes it as a critical activity.

How can I show completed activities that were driving the critical path?


Thanks in advance for your help,

- Jeff


Zoltan Palffy
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what I do for every update I create a new activity code value 

first I create a NEW activity code each month that is realted to that update lets say for January I call it Jan2018CP and I give it have it a code value of JAN2018 Then I tag the criticla path activities for that month with the code JAN2018. The next month after my update I create another activity code for February I call it FEB2018CP and I give it have it a code value of FEB2018. Then I tag the criticla path activities for that month with the code FEB2018. 

now you can filter for any PAST critical paths for any given moth or for the current month or a combination of both and add the 2 columns so you can see what is not longer on the critical path 


Kathy Castle
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Below article may be helpful for Primavera Filter By Feature

Zoltan Palffy
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Kathy that will not work for completed activities because once completed there is NO float value

Kathy Castle
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Jeff, maybe you should change the critical path definition from the schedule options or you can define a filter lke below

       Total Float equals 0

and  Activity Status   equals  Completed

Zoltan Palffy
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Basically Jamies procedure de-Stautus the schedule  I would modify this a liitle by 1st create a new activity code and assigning the activiites on the current critical path to that new code.

Then I would destatus the as Jamie has described and recalculate the schedule and find the critical path for those activities that do not have the new code and assign the new code to theses also.

The only problem this procedure is that the critical path can change from month to month update to update. To do this correctly you would have to de-status the project on a month to month basis doing 1 month at a time and assigninig the new code that you create each month to the current critical path. You would have to do this all the way back to the begining of the project thne you could filter for that new code that you assigned to the critical path each month to see the true critical path as an as built condition.

Jamie Gould
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Hi Jeff,

I was searching online to solve this issue without success. But I have found a way-around it for anyone else who has the same issue still!

1. Make a copy of your programme and then paste it in your 'sandpit'. (This is incase of any errors that may come up.)

2. Remove actuals in 2 steps, i. for resources and ii. for dates (via global change.) Skip to step 2.b i if you have no cost/resources assigned.

2.a i. Create a new filter called 'Remove Actuals (Step 1 - Resources)'

     ii. Select Subject Area = 'Activity Resource Assignments'

     iii. In the 'If' dialog box, 'Where > Resource Type > equals > Labor'

     iv. In the 'Then' dialog box 'Actual Regular Labor Units = 0.0h' And

                                           'Actual Overtime Labor Units = 0.0h' And

                                           'Actual Regular Cost = £0.00' And

                                           'Actual Overtime Cost = £0.00' Click OK.

2.b. i. Create a new filter called 'Remove Actuals (Step 2 - Dates)'

       ii. Select Subject Area = 'Activities'

       iii. In the 'If' dialog box, 'Where > Activity Status > equals > Completed' Or

                                                        'Activity Status > equals > In Progress'

      iv. In the 'Then' dialog box, 'Activity Status = 'Not Started' Click OK.

3. Select the first filter (if applicable) and click 'Apply > Commit Changes > No'

4. Select the second filter and repeat as above, clicking ok to any error messages. All activiites should now be not started or complete.

5. Depending on when you want to see the critical path from, schedule back to that date.

6. Select the filter tab > Critical > Apply; the programme should now show the critical path keeping the completed durations from the date you scheduled back to.




Mike Testro
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Hi Rafael

We are talking about the critical path at a precise time.

Before and After a change to the programme.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Rafael Davila
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Deleted by Rafael Davila as to avoid annoying requests to revive this old discussion from 2013.

Mike Testro
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Hi Raymund

That suggestion is simple, intelligent and effective.

I love it when you can cheat the software into doing what you want to do rather than what it will allow.

The method can also be used in delay analysis to filter Pre Impact Critical and Post Impact Critical for each event.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Raymund de Laza
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Before Updating your Schedule, create an activity Code as "Crtical path". assign all those Crtical Activities in the Code.

After Updating, Organize or Filter according to the Code.



Arnold Puy
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Hi Jeff,

Basically, if the activities were already 100% or completed, Primavera P6 consider these activities that it is no longer part of the current critical activities.

Here are the possible Parameters to be used: Prior to perform and assign the below parameters you need to assign first your project baseline:

(Any of the following)

Where Critical  “equals” Yes

Or BL Project Total Float “is less than or equals” 0

I hope the above assists you.

